Who we are
The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programmes that advance clean energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a global clean energy economy. Initiatives are based on areas of common interest among participating governments and other stakeholders. The Framework for the Clean Energy Ministerial, reaffirmed at the twelfth Clean Energy Ministerial in 2021, defines the CEM governance structure and outlines the mission statement, objectives, membership, and guiding principles.
The CEM brings together a community of the world’s largest and leading countries, companies and international experts to achieve one mission –accelerate clean energy transitions.
The CEM is an international clean energy leadership platform, a convening platform, an action platform, and an acceleration platform. It serves as:
- a platform where its members help shape the global clean energy agenda, and advance the deployment of specific clean energy technologies and solutions.
- a bottom-up, government-led community for exchanging knowledge and insights, building networks and partnerships, and facilitating coordinated actions on clean energy.
- an implementation vehicle that helps its members to achieve specific domestic clean energy objectives.
Our mission
The world is undertaking the fastest and most far-reaching energy transition in history.
The CEM brings together a powerful community of the world’s largest and leading countries, companies, and international experts to achieve one mission: ACCELERATE CLEAN ENERGY TRANSITIONS.
CEM members have agreed that it should work to supercharge three crucial shifts this decade:
Clean energy adoption this decade must far outpace the last, moving from niche- to mass- to massive-scale deployment.
Clean energy action must grow from the power sector to every sector, and from energy ministries to every ministry.
An inclusive, whole-of-society approach must look from governments and companies to consumers and citizens.
Our value proposition
Global Leadership
CEM Members represent 90% of installed RE power generation capacity, 80% of global RE investments u0026amp; the majority of public Ru0026amp;D.
Single Mission
Accelerate clean energy transitions around the world.
Flexible Approach
Members can form or join clean energy workstreams in line with their priorities.
Open Platform
Many leading international organisations, companies, think tanks, foundations.
Action Coalitions
Activities are in a state of constant renewal, with action coalitions coming together to design and deliver new workstreams.
CEM Community
The CEM community consists of the world’s best international organisations and most influential actors.
How we work

The CEM builds global action coalitions to achieve clean energy goals and advance their transitions. The CEM operates through three key pillars:
- CEM Ministerial
An annual meeting of its ministers, partners and community. - CEM Work Programme
A combination of international campaigns and initiatives spanning the clean energy spectrum. - CEM Secretariat
A small, flexible team that serves the ministerial, all workstreams and members.
Through its work, it delivers:
Members and participants
Steering committee
The CEM Steering Committee is a rotating sub-set of CEM Member countries. The current 10 member government participants’ provide high-level strategic guidance to CEM’s overall direction and individual workstreams. Co-chairs are represented by the last and upcoming Ministerial host.

Thiago Barral Ferreira

Brazil (CEM15 Host)
Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning, Ministry of Mines and Energy

Eekno Jo

Korea (CEM16 Host)
Director General for Energy Policy, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Christina Paradiso

Director General, Energy Policy and International Affairs, Natural Resources

Carmen Garcia

Acting Head of Office of International Affairs, Ministry of Energy

Sun Jian

Deputy Director-General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology

Alejandro Ulzurrun

European Commission
Acting Director, Directorate for Energy

Vera Rodenhoff

Deputy Director General for International Climate Action, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Srikant Nagulapalli

Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power

Faisal Fahad Al-Musa

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
General Manager of Clean Hydrocarbon Technology Support, Ministry of Energy

Velvet Rosemberg

Director General of International Affairs, Ministry of Energy

Chris Snary

United Kingdom
Head of International Energy Security, International Energy Unit, Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy

Sandra Dickison

United States
Deputy Director for Multilateral Engagement, U.S. Department of Energy
The CEM Secretariat is a small, flexible team housed within the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France, that works on behalf of all its Members.