Introduction to RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
12 January 2016
<!–10 a.m. EST | 4 p.m. CET
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Presentation—Introduction to the webinar and panelists
Presentation—Dinesh S. Parakh and Michael Ross: RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
Transcript—Webinar audio transcript
The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with CanmetENERGY (Government of Canada), hosted this webinar-based training on the powerful capabilities of the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software.
The RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software is the world’s leading clean energy decision-making software. It is provided completely free-of-charge by the Government of Canada as part of Canada’s recognition of the need to take an integrated approach in addressing climate change and reducing pollution. RETScreen is a proven enabler of clean energy projects worldwide and allows decision-makers and professionals to determine whether or not a proposed renewable energy, energy efficiency, or cogeneration project makes financial sense, as well as evaluate the performance of the project. If a project is viable—or if it is not—RETScreen will help the decision-maker understand this: quickly, unequivocally, in a user-friendly format, and at relatively minimal cost.
Used by over 460,000 people all over the world, taught in over 700 universities and colleges, available in 36 languages and developed in collaboration with NASA, REEEP, the United Nations and the World Bank, RETScreen has already saved its users well over $8 billion and is making it easier for the world to transition to cleaner energy. This webinar will introduce the powerful capabilities of the RETScreen Suite software, which includes the RETScreen 4 Project Analysis Software and the RETScreen Plus Performance Analysis Software.
Presentations were be followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.
Dinesh S. Parakh
Dinesh S. Parakh manages strategic partnerships, communications, business development, and training & capacity building for RETScreen International at Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes, Quebec. He is also the lead author of the RETScreen Clean Energy Legal Toolkit and the RETScreen Clean Energy Policy Toolkit. A lawyer in Ontario, Dinesh has worked in international development since 1999 with extensive experience throughout Africa. He was formerly with the United Nations Development Programme and World Food Programme in South Africa, as well as the Canadian International Development Agency in Ottawa, Canada. Dinesh holds a B.A. from Yale University, and an M.A. and J.D. from the University of Toronto.
Michael Ross
Michael Ross has been supporting the RETScreen team at Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY research centre in Varennes, Quebec as a consultant since 2001. He has developed much of the training material available on the RETScreen website, contributed to the RETScreen e-Textbook, supplied input cost data for upcoming versions of RETScreen, and performed validation of RETScreen 4, RETScreen Plus and RETScreen Expert. He has delivered RETScreen courses, in both English and French, across Canada, and in the USA, France, Mali, and Zambia. Michael has been working in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1995, with a focus on solar and wind energy. Michael obtained a Bachelor of Applied Sciences degree (Systems Design Engineering) from the University of Waterloo.