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Informed Decision Making for a Climate Resilient Future: The Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto

1 October 2015

cover: Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto

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PresentationIntroduction to the webinar and panelists

Presentation—James Smith: Knowledge for Climate Action: A Manifesto for Change

TranscriptWebinar audio transcript

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group (CKB), hosted this webinar on the recently released Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto.

The vision of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group (CKB) is a world in which people make climate sensitive decisions fully informed by the best available climate knowledge. To achieve this vision, the CKB has been built around a strong drive towards collaboration, exchange and the use of open data. The recently published Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto sets out these principles and calls for joint action to meet the massive climate knowledge challenges ahead.

In this webinar, James Smith presented the manifesto, its ideas, principles and visions. He explained how climate knowledge brokers can lead the way towards more quality- and demand-driven information distribution. He also explained how strong collaboration between brokers, users and funders will be essential to achieving this. Smith’s presentation was followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.


James SmithJames Smith, Strategic Consultant & Community Facilitator, REEEP

James Smith is one of the editors of the Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto and Facilitator for the CKB group. He is a freelance social leadership consultant who has been working with REEEP, which hosts the CKB Coordination Hub, since 2004. For both REEEP and CKB, he facilitates interactive workshops and seminars, develops projects and provides strategic and organisational development advice. James has worked across many different social and environmental fields. He was one of the pioneers of the social entrepreneurship movement in the UK in the 1990s, co-founding two of its key institutions, the School for Social Entrepreneurs and the Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs, Unltd.