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Greening the Grid: Best Practices for Grid Codes for Renewable Energy Generators

4 October 2018

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PresentationIntroduction to the webinar and panelists

Presentation—Adarsh Nagarajan: Best Practices for Grid Codes for Renewable Energy Generators

TranscriptWebinar audio transcript

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with USAID and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), hosted this webinar titled Best Practices for Grid Codes for Renewable Energy Generators. The webinar is part of Greening the Grid initiative, a USAID and NREL collaboration designed to support countries in integrating renewable energy into the power system.

Grid codes are one key mechanism that utilities use to ensure power systems remain safe and reliable when new generation resources are connected to the grid. The increasing uptake of inverter-based distributed generation in recent years poses new challenges to the design and implementation of grid codes in different contexts. Important considerations, such as frequency ride-through and voltage regulation, are increasingly scrutinized as utilities plan for higher penetrations of inverter-based variable generation on the grid. The webinar introduced the essential concepts for understanding renewable energy grid codes and reviewed how grid codes have developed in the United States and internationally.

The webinar was presented by Adarsh Nagarajan from NREL. It was followed by an interactive question-and-answer session with the audience, moderated by Jennifer Leisch from USAID.