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Energy Efficiency Policies and Trends in the EU

7 July 2016

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with Enerdata, hosted this webinar on energy efficiency policies and trends in the European Union (EU) based on the findings of the ODYSSEE-MURE Project. The objective of this webinar was to evaluate energy efficiency in the EU and by country. The analysis presented in the webinar included reviews of both energy efficiency trends and the policy instruments currently implemented to improve energy efficiency, based on the ODYSSEE and MURE databases.

In the first part of the webinar, presenters reviewed the energy efficiency indicators and trends observed in energy use and energy efficiency among all end-use sectors both together and in each specific sector. The analysis presented mainly focuses on the overall EU trends, but the differences between countries will also be highlighted. In the second part of the webinar, panelists reviewed the different EU and European national level energy efficiency policies and their impacts.

The webinar presentations were followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.

About the ODYSSEE-MURE Project: The project is financed under the Horizon2020 Programme with the support of 33 partners from 28 countries from EU Member States and Norway, generally with co-funding from their own governments. This webinar relies on data contained in the ODYSSEE database on energy efficiency indicators, with data on energy trends, drivers for energy use, explanatory variables and energy-related CO2 emissions, as well as on the MURE database, which gathers detailed information of EU energy efficiency policies, at the levels of both the EU and the Member States.


Carine SébiDr. Carine Sébi

As a project manager at Enerdata, Carine Sébi participates in the coordination of the ODYSSEE project for the European as well as to numerous European and international projects on energy efficiency, particularly on buildings. She also works on public policy assessment and demand analysis. She has been a speaker at several conferences worldwide, and she has published papers in international journals. Carine holds a PhD in Economics. Before Enerdata, Carine conducted eco-environmental studies and taught economics and statistics.

Wolfgang EichhammerDr. Wolfgang Eichhammer

Wolfgang Eichhammer is head of the Competence Center Energy Policy and Energy Markets at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe Germany. And, he is Professor for Energy Efficiency and Energy Systems Modelling at Utrecht University Netherlands, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. Wolfgang is a physicist with professional experience gathered in various countries of the European Union and worldwide in designing and evaluating energy efficiency and renewables policies as well as climate policies. He is an advisor to the European Commission in questions related to the Energy Efficiency Directive and the 2030 framework for energy efficiency, and he is the technical coordinator for the work on energy efficiency policies in Europe in the frame of the Odyssee-MURE project.