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Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage—BiCRS

16 June 2021

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PresentationBiomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS)

In January 2021, an Innovation for Cool Earth Forum road map introduced a new term: biomass carbon removal and storage, or BiCRS. The term describes a range of processes that use plants and algae to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store that CO2 underground or in long-lived products. These processes have the potential to contribute to the vital goal of reaching net-zero emissions globally by mid-century. Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, or BECCS, has been part of the global climate dialogue for decades, but biomass can also be used for carbon removal without energy production.


Jarad Daniels, Director, Office of Strategic Planning, Analysis, and Engagement, U.S. Department of Energy

Jarad Daniels leads the Office of Strategic Planning, Analysis, and Engagement within the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy, including domestic programs and international engagements conducted in close collaboration with industry, academia, and multi-lateral organizations. Mr. Daniels has 25 years of experience with the DOE, managing advanced technology programs and working in several national laboratories throughout the United States. His expertise includes domestic and global energy and environmental technologies, policies, and programs. Mr. Daniels holds a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

Nobuo Tanaka, Special Advisor, Sasakawa Peace Foundation and Former IEA Executive Director

Nobuo Tanaka is former Chairman, and currently Special Advisor of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation. He is also the chairman of the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF). As Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) from 2007 to 2011, he initiated a collective release of oil stocks in June 2011. He also played a crucial and personal role in the strengthening of ties with major non-Member energy players, including China and India. He began his career in 1973 in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and has served in a number of high-ranking positions, including Director-General of the Multilateral Trade System Department. He was deeply engaged in bilateral trade issues with the US as Minister for Industry, Trade and Energy at the Embassy of Japan, Washington DC. He has also served twice as Director for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the Paris-based international organization, OECD.

David Sandalow, Inaugural Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University

David Sandalow is the Inaugural Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy and co-Director of the Energy and Environment Concentration at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He founded and directs the Center’s U.S.-China Program and is author of the Guide to Chinese Climate Policy. Mr. Sandalow also serves as chair of the ICEF Innovation Roadmap Project. In that capacity, he has led development of roadmaps on biomass carbon removal and storage, industrial decarbonization, direct air capture and carbon dioxide utilization, among other topics. Mr. Sandalow has served in senior positions at the White House, U.S. State Department and U.S. Department of Energy. He played a central role in launching the Clean Energy Ministerial in 2010.

Julio Friedmann, Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University

Dr. Julio Friedmann is a Senior Research Scholar at the Center for Global Clean Energy Policy at Columbia University, where he leads a new initiative in carbon management. He is also CEO of Carbon Wrangler, LLC. Julio has served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy at the Department of Energy, where he held responsibility for DOE’s R&D program in advanced fossil energy systems, carbon capture, and storage (CCS), CO2 utilization, and clean coal deployment. He has also held positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, including Senior Advisor for Energy Innovation and Chief Energy Technologist, is a Distinguished Associate at the Energy Futures Initiative, and serves as a special advisor to Total SA and the Global CCS Institute. He was recently named as a Senior Fellow to the Breakthrough Institute and a Stanford Precourt Scholar. Dr. Friedmann is one of the most widely known and authoritative experts in the U.S. on carbon removal (CO2 drawdown from the air and oceans), CO2 conversion and use (carbon-to-value), and carbon capture and sequestration. Dr. Friedmann received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), followed by a Ph.D. in Geology at the University of Southern California. He worked for 5 years as a senior research scientist at ExxonMobil, then as a research scientist at the University of Maryland.

Roger Aines, Energy Programme Chief Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Roger Aines is the Chief Scientist of the Energy Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from Carleton College, and Doctor of Philosophy in geochemistry from the California Institute of Technology. Roger leads the Carbon Initiative at LLNL, which aims to understand, develop, and implement technologies for the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so-called negative emissions technologies. He has been at LLNL since 1984 working on nuclear waste disposal, environmental remediation, application of stochastic methods to inversion and data fusion, management of carbon emissions including separation technology, and monitoring and verification methods for sequestration. With Amy Aines he authored the recently released Championing Science, a book that helps scientists communicate more effectively with decision makers.