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Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Bangladesh Solar Home System Program: Lessons Learned

Showcase of work underway in Bangladesh to support energy access using off-grid renewable energy

2 October 2013

Renewable Energy

Australian Capital Territory’s Reverse Auctions and Its 100%-by-2020 Renewable Electricity Target

A webinar on the policy context of the Australian Capital Territory Government’s reverse auctions, their design, their evaluation processes, and their outcomes, as well as local investment benefits that have flowed from them.

8 October 2018

Energy Efficiency

Appliance and Equipment Standards

Presentation of Pushing the Energy Efficiency Envelope through Appliance Standards around the World

5 April 2011

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Acceso a la Energía en Perú (Spanish-Language Webinar)

An exploration—in Spanish—of residual energy access issues in Peru in the run up to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties that will be held in Peru, December 2014

19 November 2014

Energy Efficiency

Building Momentum for Energy Efficiency through Voluntary Targets and Improvement Programs

A presentation of the core elements of the Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA) Targets Playbook, a guide that cities and building portfolio managers can use to develop and implement voluntary building energy efficiency targets and improvement programs.

23 July 2019

Grid Integration

Big, Fast and Flexible: Grid Operations for Efficient Variable Renewable Integration

A discussion of three different pathways, along with implementation considerations and examples for each, for enhancing the size and speed of grid operations for efficient variable renewable integration.

11 October 2016

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Developing a National Action Plan for Smart Grids: Lessons from Sweden

An overview of the recommendations and proposals presented in Sweden's roadmap and lessons learned during the process that defined key issues.

21 January 2015

Energy Efficiency

Determining Future Energy Efficiency Potential across Sectors: Case Study on Germany

A webinar on the main energy efficiency drivers at the sectoral and end-use levels, and their impact on future energy consumption.

7 November 2017

Renewable Energy

Designing Successful Renewable Energy Targets in Africa: Key Principles and Insights

A discussion of what policymakers and regulators across Africa can do to design more effective targets as they seek to scale up the share of renewable energy in the mix and attract private investment.

12 April 2016

Energy Efficiency

Danish Toolkit on Energy Efficiency in New Buildings

Introduction to this toolkit, which offers concrete recommendations on how to realize the energy efficiency potentials of new buildings

6 June 2013 to 11 June 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Clean Energy in Island Settings

A showcase of the International Renewable Energy Agency's work on capacity building and assessment of non-conventional energy in island settings.

11 March 2015

Energy Efficiency


Energy Efficiency Financing (IPEEC Webinar Series)

Discussion highlighting innovative financing mechanisms and best practices that have enhanced market penetration of energy efficient technologies

27 September 2012

Energy Access

Energy Access in Central America

Introduction to work underway using low carbon solutions and off-grid renewable technologies with reflections on country priorities and approaches, independent power producers and stand-alone solutions for rural electrification

17 June 2014

Energy Access

Empowering Livelihoods: New Research on Off-grid Appliances and Equipment

An exploration of the role of off-grid appliances and equipment in empowering resource-constrained communities.

23 October 2018

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Effective Supply Chains for Energy Access

A showcase of innovative supply chain mechanisms that members of the Energy Access Practitioner Network have adopted to facilitate scaling decentralized energy solutions.

27 January 2015

Renewable Energy

Education and Skills Needs in the Renewable Energy Sector

Discussion of the critical shortage of skilled personnel needed to develop, design, finance, build, operate and maintain renewable energy projects

2 April 2014 to 30 April 2014

Energy Efficiency

Driving Transformation to Energy Efficient Buildings: Policies and Actions, 2nd Edition

Training on how to use the Building Efficiency Policy Assessment Tool to develop energy efficiency policy strategies with input from local stakeholders

6 November 2012 to 29 November 2012

Renewable Energy

Energy Scenarios to 2040: What it Takes to Reach INDCs and Beyond

A review of the results of a scenario that considers energy systems up to 2040 based on the achievement of the 2030 targets defined in the INDCs as announced at COP 21.

5 April 2016