


Search results for : National

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Travis Lowder


Travis Lowder

Renewable Energy Analyst

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Tax MeasuresLoan GuaranteesBondsAsset-backed Securities BondsCredit Enhancements

Energy Efficiency

Implementing Building Energy Codes: Status of Building Energy Code Development and Implementation Globally and in China, France and the United States

A presentation of the status and key areas for international collaboration in building energy code implementation and compliance, and the experience of code implementation in China, France and the United States.

22 January 2015

Energy Efficiency

Bringing Energy Efficiency to COP21: Lessons from G20 Achievements

A webinar highlighting the energy efficiency achievements that have resulted from international cooperation under the G20—and how these offer solutions to the COP21 discussions.

19 November 2015

Access to Capital

Alternative Fuels and Vehicles



Clean Transport

Corporate Investors






Initial Activity




Large Emerging Economies

Loan Guarantees

Market Stage


Natural Gas



Loan Guarantees


Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Impact of “Phase-Out” Regulations on Lighting Markets and the Associated Policy Implications

A discussion of the impact of efforts to phase out inefficient lighting in several countries and regions around the world.

31 March 2015

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Tools to Facilitate Mini-grid Deployment

Training on mini-grids tools and resources that practitioners can use during the planning, design and operation of mini-grid projects.

17 November 2015

Energy Access

Energy Access in Humanitarian Settings: Examples from Recent Crises

A showcase of the relevance of high-quality decentralized energy solutions for lighting and cooking in response to crises involving refugees, internally displaced persons and those affected by natural disasters

23 June 2015

Neil Veilleux


Renewable Energy

Neil Veilleux



Feed-in TariffsTax MeasuresTradable Renewable Energy Certificates

Energy Access

Building Energy Access Markets: A Value Chain Analysis of Key Energy Market Systems

A showcase of the Building Energy Access Markets framework, a publication that offers policymakers and practitioners a method for designing and delivering interventions that can achieve scale and sustainability.

30 July 2015

Energy Access

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Smart Grid Demand-Side Management and Demand Forecasting for the Residential Sector

Training on the RealValue project, a smart electric thermal storage project that involves smart grid demand-side management and demand forecasting.

22 April 2015

Renewable Energy

Energies Renouvelables au Sénégal: Evaluation et Résultats des Politiques Mises en Œuvre (French-Language Webinar)

Ce webinaire discutera du potentiel et des défis liés aux énergies renouvelables au Sénégal tels que décrits dans le rapport 2012 de l’Agence Internationale pour les Energies Renouvelables (IRENA) intitulé « Evaluation de l’état des énergies renouvelables pour le Sénégal » (Renewable Readiness Assessment for Senegal, 2012). Ce webinaire explore le contexte et les enjeux, le potentiel, l'évolution du cadre réglementaire ainsi que que les principales priorités et réalisations liés au secteur des énergies renouvelables au Sénégal.

4 February 2015

Gireesh Shrimali


Gireesh Shrimali


Climate Policy Initiative

Feed-in TariffsTax MeasuresConcessional Loans


RES Support Resources


South Korea: Assessing Policy to Support Cost-effective Outcomes

Renewable Energy

Assessing Wind Energy Potential with the New Global Wind Atlas

A demonstration of the newly released Global Wind Atlas—a data set and suite of tools available via the IRENA Global Atlas platform that provides very high-resolution worldwide wind data for the first time.

3 November 2015

Matthew H. Brown


Matthew H. Brown


Harcourt Brown & Carey

Green BanksNational Clean Energy FundsAsset-backed SecuritiesPerformance Contracting and ESCOsEnergy Savings Insurance


Select Clean Energy Policy References

Energy Efficiency

Tools for Building Energy Efficiency: Resources for Policy Development

A presentation of tools that local policymakers can use to set energy use baselines in their cities and identify policy options for enhancing energy efficiency in buildings.

24 November 2015