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Types of content

Grid Integration

Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions

A review of the challenges of integrating significant quantities of variable renewable energy to the grid and the emerging solutions that policymakers, regulators and grid operators have taken to integrate wind and solar and meet renewable energy targets.

29 July 2015

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Institutionalizing Energy Training on Rural Electrification

Presentation of current approaches to developing local capacity by institutionalizing training on rural electrification in developing countries

22 May 2013

Energy Efficiency


Innovative Business Models for Energy Efficiency Financing

Training session on how innovative business models can provide energy efficiency financing, with presentations by private sector innovators

28 May 2014

Renewable Energy

Informed Decision Making for a Climate Resilient Future: The Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto

A presentation of the recently released Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto and a discussion of its ideas, principles and visions.

1 October 2015

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Off-grid Energy Storage

Comprehensive overview of technical innovations and discussion of the on-the-ground challenges for off-grid energy storage

18 July 2013

Energy Efficiency

Monitoring Energy Transition

A presentation of the Enerdata Transition Monitoring (EnerTraM) tool

7 March 2018

Renewable Energy

Monitoring and Evaluating Green Public Procurement Programs: Benefits, Case Studies, and Recommendations

Presentation, discussion of key findings from the SEAD Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating (M&E) Green Public Procurement Programs, including best practices and lessons learned

25 September 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Modernizing Building Energy Codes to Secure our Global Energy Future

Discussion of this report, which shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector

20 August 2013

Grid Integration

Meltemi Community Smart Grid Pilot Site

Training on the Meltemi Community Pilot Site—recently selected as the most innovative project in the 1st European Innovative SmartGrids Solutions Competition—using a living test field to validate intelligent load management.

30 June 2015

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Measuring the "Smartness" of the Electricity Grid

Training for policymakers designing smart grid policies — defines what makes an electricity grid "smart" and proposes a method of measuring smartness

12 June 2012

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Market Integration of Solar

The fifth of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

8 August 2019 to 29 September 2019

Energy Efficiency

Locking in Energy Savings through Building Codes

A webinar offering information on best practices and an opportunity to learn about developing building codes, featuring a case study.

10 July 2019

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Linking Heat and Electricity Systems: Co-generation and District Heating and Cooling Solutions for a Clean Energy Future

Findings of IEA’s Linking Heat and Electricity Systems: Co-generation and District Heating and Cooling Solutions for a Clean Energy Future.

5 June 2014

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

Leveraging Ratepayer Programs to Cut Industrial Energy Use

Analysis of U.S. industrial program design, including what has worked well and what else can be done to improve the outcomes for regulators, industry and ratepayers

15 May 2014

Renewable Energy

Policy Derisking for Renewable Energy

Sharing of experiences and lessons learned in deploying policy-derisking instruments to promote renewable energy investment

12 June 2013

Clean Transport

Energy Efficiency

Policies That Work: How Vehicle Standards and Fuel Fees Can Cut CO2 Emissions and Boost the Economy

Presentation of policies intended to improve the energy efficiency of passenger vehicles

13 December 2013

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Policies for Large-Scale PV

The second of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

7 March 2019 to 5 May 2019

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Policies for Distributed PV

The first of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

13 September 2018 to 13 September 2019