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Energy Efficiency

Accelerating Adoption of Energy-Efficient Lighting, Appliances and Equipment: An Introduction to Proven Technology and Policy Solutions

A webinar highlighting the findings of six new policy guides developed by the United for Efficiency initiative that address indoor and outdoor lighting, room air conditioners, household refrigerators, electric motors and motor systems, transformers and fundamental policies

25 July 2017

Carbon Capture

A Road Map to At-scale Deployment of Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage

A review of a U.S. road map that builds the case for CCUS in the United States and details three phases of specific actionable recommendations needed to achieve deployment at scale over the next 25 years.

21 January 2020

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

A Review of the Africa Solar Market

An overview of the on- and off-grid solar markets in Africa, focusing on installed capacities, forecast, challenges and opportunities—and a discussion of population and electrification issues as well as a presentation of a country benchmark.

7 February 2017

Renewable Energy

100% Renewables: Pipe Dream or Reality?

Launching of REN21’s newest report: Renewables Global Futures Report: Great Debates Towards 100% Renewable Energy.

4 April 2017

Grid Integration

Expert Discussion on Policies and Market Structures to Drive Net-Zero Emissions Energy Systems

This webinar examines holistic approaches to designing and implementing policies and market structures that drive transitions to net-zero-emission energy systems.

7 July 2021

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Breaking Down Silos: What does linking renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency really look like?

A webinar on breaking down silos and what linking renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency really looks like, including a discussion of the progress made to date.

8 June 2017

Energy Efficiency

Benchmarking of Countries' Energy Efficiency

Discussion of the benchmarking of energy efficiency performances and policies, including information about how country comparisons can be carried out

20 June 2013

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Bangladesh Solar Home System Program: Lessons Learned

Showcase of work underway in Bangladesh to support energy access using off-grid renewable energy

2 October 2013

Carbon Capture

Approaching Final Investment Decision: CCUS Developments in Norway

An update on recent developments in two CCS project in Norway and plans for the way forward.

14 November 2019

Renewable Energy

Cities—The Hidden Gem of the Energy Transition: Launch of REN21’s Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report

A webinar where you can hear how cities are driving the energy transition with renewables, learn what integrated approaches can advance the uptake of sustainable energy in all sectors and discuss how improved policies and regulatory frameworks at all levels can support the transition.

26 November 2019

Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in The Netherlands

A webinar to learn from government and industry experts on the direction the Netherlands is taking in carbon capture.

10 December 2020

Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in Japan

An overview of the summary report about the The Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Project recently achieving its target of 300 thousand tonnes of CO2 injection, including project results, lessons learned and future issues.

25 June 2020

Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage for the Cement Sector

A discussion about the opportunity that carbon capture can bring to the sustainability of cement manufacture and how governments can ensure an enabling framework to drive projects forward.

21 January 2021

Energy Efficiency

Building Momentum for Energy Efficiency through Voluntary Targets and Improvement Programs

A presentation of the core elements of the Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA) Targets Playbook, a guide that cities and building portfolio managers can use to develop and implement voluntary building energy efficiency targets and improvement programs.

23 July 2019

Renewable Energy

Building an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Driven Economy: How Policies Can Foster Risk Capital Investment in Renewable Energy

Exploration of how countries can use policies to build clean energy economies by stimulating venture capital investments in new renewable energy companies

4 May 2011

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

Breaking Through the Information Barrier

Exploration of ways of making information on energy technologies and practices freely available and how policymakers can use such information to drive implementation

13 June 2013


Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage—BiCRS

An interactive webinar on biomass carbon removal and storage, or BiCRS, with panelists from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

16 June 2021

Carbon Capture

Direct Air Capture of CO2: Helping to Achieve Net-zero Emissions

A webinar about expert interventions on why direct air capture is so important, what types of solutions are available, as well as where some of the key future R&D focus areas might be.

21 April 2020