


Search results for : Energy Efficiency

Types of content

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency Measures to Boost Building Renovation

An exploration of existing potential savings in building stock and a presentation of innovative financial schemes.

13 January 2015

Clean Transport

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency in Transport: Successes and Failures

A review of policy measures implemented in the transport sector (such as minimum energy performance standards, labels and promotion of modal shifts) within the European Union and in G20 countries.

14 April 2015

Energy Efficiency


Financial and Policy Innovations to Support Energy Efficiency: Energy Performance Contracting and On-Bill Financing

Accounts of policies that enable use of energy performance contracting and models of programs that allow on-bill utility financing of energy efficiency improvements

19 July 2011

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Improving Global Comparability of Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels

Key findings of the Improving Global Comparability of Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels report

10 September 2014

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Improving Energy Access through Energy Efficiency

the role energy efficiency can play in improving energy access. Panelists discussed the implementation and results of national policies in Mexico, as well as highlights from projects implemented by the World Bank and the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative, which aims to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030

4 December 2013

Energy Efficiency


Innovative Business Models for Energy Efficiency Financing

Training session on how innovative business models can provide energy efficiency financing, with presentations by private sector innovators

28 May 2014

Energy Efficiency

Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

An exploration of the links between climate and building energy efficiency policies, and a discussion of the role of public-private cooperation in improving building energy efficiency as part of climate change mitigation.

11 January 2017

Energy Efficiency


Promoting Energy Efficiency Finance: Examples of Tools and Best Practices

A webinar is to provide policymakers, financiers and energy efficiency practitioners an example of energy efficiency finance tool as well as real world case studies that have proven successful in various energy contexts in and beyond the Americas.

30 November 2017

Energy Efficiency

REN21 Renewables 2015 Global Status Report: Energy Efficiency

Covering the launch of REN21’s flagship report, the Renewables Global Status Report for 2015, with a look at energy efficiency and demand-side management within European and North American renewable energy sectors

16 July 2015

Energy Efficiency


The Future of Industrial Energy Efficiency Finance in China

Exploration of the issues and possible solutions for the future of industrial energy finance in China, including a snapshot of the industrial energy efficiency financing landscape

30 July 2013



Energy Efficiency


Yes, but no: Adoption and Rejection of Energy Efficiency Innovations

A discussion of the energy efficiency barriers that firms and households face in Europe and a look at some illustrative empirical evidence of how these play out.

2 May 2018

Energy efficiency training week Paris 2019

Energy efficiency in appliances in the MENA region (webinar)

Model regulation guidelines for energy efficiency and functional performance requirements for general service lamps

Product Energy Efficiency Trends (PEET) annex

Achievements of energy efficiency appliance and equipment standards and labelling programmes

Policy Data

Advancing Energy Efficiency on the Global Agenda: Activity Report 2009-19

The October 2018 IPCC report found the Low Energy Demand scenario delivered the fastest results in combatting climate change. This…


International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC)


Advancing Energy Efficiency on the Global Agenda Activity Report 2009-19

The IPCC Low Energy Demand scenario requires significant efficiency gains in the use of energy. This report aims to describe…


International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation


1 January 2019