


Search results for : Energy Access

Types of content

Tools and Websites

Rural Living Canada (Website)

This website is a compendium of Canadian non-urban energy access resources and websites since 1998. The website lists several resources…


Rural Living Canada


Tools and Websites

Solar For All Initiative (Website)

The Solar for All Initiative brings together the world’s leading organizations working to solve the problems of energy access for…


The Canopus Foundation



Tools and Websites

Training Materials

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)Training and Field Support Toolkits (Website)

This website provides training and field toolkits that focus on a variety of topics, including electricity sector reform, energy access,…


United States Agency for International Development


Mauritius: Solar Water Heating Grants in Support Low-Income Households

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Bangladesh Solar Home System Program: Lessons Learned

Showcase of work underway in Bangladesh to support energy access using off-grid renewable energy

2 October 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Acceso a la Energía en Perú (Spanish-Language Webinar)

An exploration—in Spanish—of residual energy access issues in Peru in the run up to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties that will be held in Peru, December 2014

19 November 2014

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Developing a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) on Efficient Lighting

Training on developing NAMAs for efficient lighting with a review of the steps that developing countries can take to create the essential elements of a NAMA

5 February 2014

Energy Access

Empowering Livelihoods: New Research on Off-grid Appliances and Equipment

An exploration of the role of off-grid appliances and equipment in empowering resource-constrained communities.

23 October 2018

Energy Efficiency

Efficiency for Cooling: Technology and Market Trends

A webinar that will surface emerging market intelligence on efficient off-grid appropriate cooling technologies such as fans, refrigerators, cold chain technologies and ice makers.

21 May 2019

Grid Integration

Grid Interconnection of Mini-Grids

A discussion of the challenges and possible options for mini-grids after the main grid arrives that will include country-specific case studies from Asia and Africa, as well as the potential requirements needed to achieve a relatively seamless interconnection.

18 July 2018

Renewable Energy

Global LEAP: Setting Priorities

Forum for hearing from Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (LEAP) team members and discussing prospective activities with them

23 July 2012

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grids

Investigation of the different policies that mini-grids warrant and the requirements of sustainable mini-grid electrification programs

6 March 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Opportunities and Challenges for Rural Off-grid Lighting and Distribution Markets in India

Review of the challenges and opportunities within India's rural off-grid lighting and distribution markets, as well as emerging and innovative distribution models in the off-grid renewable energy sector

5 March 2014

Energy Access

Promoting Clean Mini-Grid Public-Private Partnerships for Rural Electrification in Nigeria

An overview of the status of the market for mini-grids in Nigeria, followed by a discussion of recent developments and the work on clean rural mini-grids that has been done by the Nigerian Energy Support Programme.

15 November 2016

Renewable Energy

REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: North America

Annual overview of the renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide

8 July 2014

Energy Access

Tools and Resources for Scaling-up Mini-/Micro-Grids in Tanzania

An exploration of the tools and resources available to mini-grid developers in Tanzania, including the Mini-Grid Information Portal and the new Tanzania Energy Access Mapping tool.

18 July 2017

Global Lighting challenge


Global Lighting challenge


Press Release : CEM12 Ministerial Statement


Press Release : CEM12 Ministerial Statement

June 2021