


Search results for : Developing

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Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Focus on India: Policy Best Practices for Industrial Efficiency

Presentation of a framework with which policymakers can discuss policies and programs to advance industrial efficiency efforts in India

27 September 2011

Clean Transport


Financing Urban Transportation Policies and Programs

Discussion of low-carbon urban mobility plans with a focus on planning and financing sustainable, low-carbon urban transportation

11 December 2013

Renewable Energy

Global Renewable Energy Status and Medium-term Outlook Until 2018

Presentation and discussion of the key findings of REN21’s Renewables 2013 Global Status Report and IEA’s Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2013

6 November 2013

Renewable Energy

Global LEAP: Setting Priorities

Forum for hearing from Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (LEAP) team members and discussing prospective activities with them

23 July 2012

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Getting Building Codes Right: The Importance of Long-Term Energy Targets and Frequent Revision Cycles

Investigation of the importance of setting ambitious energy targets and ensuring systematic and regular updates of building codes in light of long-term targets

13 November 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Getting Building Codes Right: Lessons Learned on the Road to a Performance-Based Approach

Focus on the importance of adopting a performance-based approach to energy code design to achieve ambitious energy targets

10 December 2013

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Getting Building Codes Right: Implementation and Enforcement

Exploration of the barriers to implementing rigorous enforcement systems for new buildings, including examples of good enforcement, best-practice measures, and lessons learned

10 February 2014

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

India's Super-Efficient Equipment Program: SEEP

Exploration of SEEP, including its rationale, features, benefits, design and status, as well as lessons learned while developing the program

3 December 2013

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Improving Energy Access through Energy Efficiency

the role energy efficiency can play in improving energy access. Panelists discussed the implementation and results of national policies in Mexico, as well as highlights from projects implemented by the World Bank and the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative, which aims to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030

4 December 2013

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

IFC's EDGE Green Buildings Market Transformation Program

Examination of the this program, which engages financiers, developers, regulators and homeowners through the EDGE tool to reveal building design solutions

6 February 2014

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

IEC's Discount Packages to Access Sustainable Energy Standards for Rural Electrification

Highlighting of the International Electrotechnical Commission’s work on renewable energy standards, including an exploration of global quality standards

14 May 2013

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

IEA's Energy Storage Technology Roadmap

Review of the IEA’s Technology Roadmap: Energy Storage, which examines the role of energy storage technologies within future energy systems

19 March 2014

Energy Efficiency

IEA's Energy Efficient Building Envelope Technology Roadmap

Focus on IEA’s Technology Roadmap: Energy Efficient Building Envelopes, which roadmap presents detailed strategies and actions to transform how buildings are constructed by 2050

18 December 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grids

Investigation of the different policies that mini-grids warrant and the requirements of sustainable mini-grid electrification programs

6 March 2013

Grid Integration

Jeju Island Smart Grid Project (Korea)

Introduction to this a test-bed project, which has become one of the world’s largest smart grid communities

6 March 2014

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Institutionalizing Energy Training on Rural Electrification

Presentation of current approaches to developing local capacity by institutionalizing training on rural electrification in developing countries

22 May 2013

Energy Efficiency


Innovative Business Models for Energy Efficiency Financing

Training session on how innovative business models can provide energy efficiency financing, with presentations by private sector innovators

28 May 2014

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Off-grid Energy Storage

Comprehensive overview of technical innovations and discussion of the on-the-ground challenges for off-grid energy storage

18 July 2013