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Credit Enhancement and Insurance

Credit enhancements and insurance make it easier to borrow money and are akin to having someone co-sign a loan. There are many types of credit enhancements, such as loan guarantees, loan loss reserves, and insurance. A credit enhancement improves a borrower’s ability to take on debt through some sort of risk mitigation mechanism, such as a loan guarantee, loan loss reserve, or insurance.

development bankgreen bank or other government institution may provide credit enhancements at a below-market rate to encourage uptake. Credit enhancements have been used to support the development of a variety of clean energy markets, including residential and commercial solar and energy efficiency programs.

Energy savings insurance can be a means of catalyzing a nascent energy services market. In the event that the energy savings projected by an energy services company (ESCO) do not come to fruition, the insurance provides compensation to the end user for those energy expenditures. This in effect provides a guarantee for the ESCO and helps reduce risks, thereby enabling their entry to the market.

Resources CESC

Resources countries


Tools and Websites

Clean Energy Initiatives (Website)

This Clean Energy Canada website provides users with a list of public and private initiatives in place to support clean…


Government of Canada

Deployment Data

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Clean Energy Info Portal: reegle (Website)

This database provides global information on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change, including country energy profiles, a list of…


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)

Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)


Tools and Websites

Clean Vehicle Europe: Clean Vehicle Portal (Website)

The Clean Vehicle Portal as a new web-database aims to ensure a level of demand for clean and energy-efficient road…


Clean Vehicle Europe

Deployment Data

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Country Energy Profiles (Website)

This reegle website provides comprehensive energy profiles for all countries with information from reliable sources such as UN or the…



Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE)

This database provides comprehensive information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy…


United States Department of Energy

Deployment Data

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Distributed Wind Policy Comparison Tool

This Web-based tool allows users to identify policies that have had the most (and least) impact on improving the bottom…


United States Department of Energy

eFormative Options

North Carolina Solar Center

United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory

United States Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Tools and Websites

Energy Efficiency Benefits Calculator

This calculator can be used to help educate stakeholders on the broad benefits of energy efficiency. It provides a simplified…


Energy and Environmental Economics


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Publications

This database provides access to all publications of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), a global knowledge and technical…


Energy Sector Management Assistance Program


Tools and Websites

Environment and Climate Change Canada: Funding (Website)

This Clean Energy Canada website provides users with a list of public and private financing entities that support clean energy…


Government of Canada

Tools and Websites

Global Infrastructure Facility

Despite robust growth, many people in emerging markets and developing economies still do not have access to reliable and affordable…


The World Bank

Training Materials

How to Upscale Deep Renovations Using Financial Mechanisms: Insight From Best-Practice Jurisdictions on Incentives and Drivers

This recorded webinar addresses the critical question of how financing schemes can be developed to support and leverage the large…


Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN)

Clean Energy Solutions Center

Deployment Data

Policy Data

Tools and Websites

Market Assessment and Program Evaluation (MAPE) Clearinghouse

The Market Assessment and Program Evaluation (MAPE) Clearinghouse is a searchable database of energy efficiency program evaluation reports.


Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE)

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Mexico: Large-Scale Renewable Energy Development Project

This case study highlights Mexico’s two-phased approach for the development of grid-scale renewable energy investments. To address key policy and…


World Bank


Policy Guidelines for Electric Motor Systems, Part 2: Toolkit for Policy Makers

This publication provides a toolkit with proposed policy measures and EMSA’s recommendations for successful policy implementation. It includes best practice…


Energy Efficient End-use Equipment (4E) Electric Motor Systems Annex (EMSA)

Policy Data

Tools and Websites

Policy and Regulatory Overviews (Website)

reegle’s policy and regulatory overviews provide country highlights for a variety of policies and regulations relating to energy, energy efficiency,…



Deployment Data

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Training Materials

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Toolkit (Website)

This digital library offers an array of information from the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Resources include policy…


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)


Training Materials

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) Presentations Archive (Website)

This website hosts a collection of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) presentations and speeches covering numerous clean energy…


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)

Policy Data


Tools and Websites

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Law Examples (Website)

This website provides examples of projects supported by the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) to create legal and…


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)