Electric Vehicle and Power System Integration: Key insights and policy messages from four CEM initiatives
This report summarises the opportunities to couple the road transport and power system sectors. It articulates policy messages based on current experience, with a particular focus on the role of critical stakeholders in a transformation that crosses multiple sectors.
It’s an outcome of the CEM Horizontal Accelerator project. The Horizontal Accelerator (HA) is an innovative collaboration in the CEM, focusing on exploring ways in which the transport and power systems can work in the most efficient, sustainable, secure, and resilient way. It brings the work of four CEM workstreams – International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI), Power System Flexibility (PSF) Campaign, and 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), generating best practices and integrated policy messages. Thanks to the support from the lead and participating governments of these CEM workstreams and strong analytical input from the workstreams coordinators, the project continued gathering momentum even during the lock-down provoked by covid-19. The collaboration brought together stakeholders from the business industry, analytical institutions, national and local governments for an interactive workshop on 19-20 April, and generated a number of key insights.