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Enhancing the Quality of Life in Polish Cities with Energy and Resource Efficient Revitalization




Joanna Wis-Bielewicz

Małgorzata Koziarek

Julia Olesińska

Dominik Owczarek

Lisa Schneider

Camille Serre


1 June 2018

This discussion paper examines the added value of resource-efficient revitalization with the aim of placing the topic into the heart of the debate in Poland and reshaping Polish cities into attractive, healthy and economically vital communities. By presenting global, European and national data, the authors highlight the negative consequences of inefficient urban development patterns with respect to land use, mobility and built substance. They also outline tools and measures supporting resource and energy efficiency in urban planning and management, and they summarize health and economic benefits awaiting neighbourhoods, districts and cities in relation to energy-efficient revitalization. Finally, the authors examples of present best practices for policy frameworks and concrete revitalization measures.