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Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) Website


Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA)

The Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) works to enable greater dialogue, collaboration and awareness on energy and climate topics. ECPA initiatives include:

  • Renewable energy: Accelerate clean energy deployment via project support, policy dialogues, scientific collaboration, and the clean energy technology network.
  • Energy efficiency: Promote best policy practices through assistance in developing building codes and other standards in the industrial and residential sectors, as well as training for energy audits.
  • Efficient use of fossil fuels: Promote clean energy technologies to reduce both conventional pollution and the carbon footprint of fossil fuels, as well as best practices on land use management.
  • Energy infrastructure: Foster modernized, integrated and more resilient energy infrastructure, particularly electrical grids and gas pipelines.
  • Energy poverty: Target urban and rural energy poverty with strategies to promote sustainable urban development and improve access to modern clean energy services and appropriate technologies in rural areas that can improve public health and reduce fuel wood use that benefits forest management.
  • Sustainable forests and land use: Reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhance carbon sequestration in the land use sector, including through the conservation and sustainable management of forests.
  • Adaptation: Assist vulnerable countries and communities with strategies to understand and reduce their vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change.