Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Initiative

The Long-term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Initiative, formerly known as the LTES Campaign, aims to promote the improved use of model-based long-term energy scenarios to support and accelerate the energy transition in CEM countries. It was launched as a campaign at the Ninth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM9) in Copenhagen in May 2018, but due to its great success it was transformed into a CEM initiative in 2021.
LTES is currently co-chaired by the Danish and German governments and coordnated by IRENA. It brings together a large community of 28 member governments and 12 technical partners.
28 LTES members: Austria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cyprus; Denmark; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Finland; Germany; Ghana; Italy; Japan; Kenya; Latvia; Lithuania; Mexico; Kingdom of the Netherlands; Peru; Philippines; Portugal; Saudi Arabia; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
12 Technical partners: Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS); Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA) at NREL; World Resources Institute; Ricerca Sistema Energetico (RSE); GET.transform; World Energy Council; International Energy Agency (IEA); China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) European Commission; European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC); State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC); IEA ETSAP Technology Cooperation Programme; The World Bank
The LTES Initiative focuses and aims to benefit members in the institutional aspects around three core areas:
- Strengthening scenario development: How can scenarios be developed to better account for potentially transformational changes?
- Improving scenario use: How can scenarios be better used for strategic decision-making by governments and investors?
- Identifying capacity-building approaches: What approaches can enhance institutional capacity for scenario planning?
Since 2018, LTES has organized multiple series of events to exchange experiences and best practices for long-term energy scenarios that support the clean energy transition.
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For further information, please contact ltes@irena.org