


Search results for : Energy Access

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Energy Access

Leveraging Open Data and Analytics toward Universal Access: New Open Source Tool Supports Better Electrification Planning

An introduction to the Electrification Pathways application, a new tool that considers a variety of publicly available data to determine the least-cost options for bringing electricity to areas as small as one square kilometer.

20 July 2017

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Institutionalizing Energy Training on Rural Electrification

Presentation of current approaches to developing local capacity by institutionalizing training on rural electrification in developing countries

22 May 2013

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Off-grid Energy Storage

Comprehensive overview of technical innovations and discussion of the on-the-ground challenges for off-grid energy storage

18 July 2013

Energy Efficiency

Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

An exploration of the links between climate and building energy efficiency policies, and a discussion of the role of public-private cooperation in improving building energy efficiency as part of climate change mitigation.

11 January 2017

Energy Efficiency

Policies to Strengthen the Role of Citizens in the Energy Transition

A webinar on best practices to promote citizens’ participation in the energy transition.

20 September 2018

Energy Access

Powering Healthcare: Approaches to Delivering Sustainable Energy Solutions in the Health Sector

An exploration of different approaches to delivering energy solutions to healthcare facilities in resource-constrained environments.

28 February 2017

Energy Efficiency

REN21 Renewables 2015 Global Status Report: Energy Efficiency

Covering the launch of REN21’s flagship report, the Renewables Global Status Report for 2015, with a look at energy efficiency and demand-side management within European and North American renewable energy sectors

16 July 2015

Energy Access

Scaling Off-grid Energy Grand Challenge for Development: New Partnership Opportunity

A discussion of a new funding opportunity designed to increase private-sector investment in the household solar market and support innovative technology solutions and business models across the household solar value chain that provide, or support the provision of, affordable energy access to low-income households and small businesses across sub-Saharan Africa.

1 March 2017

Energy Access

The Future of Energy Innovation: Applications for Off-grid Energy in Developing Countries

A training on financing innovation, showcasing several leading innovations in the renewable energy industry and potential applications for off-grid energy in developing country settings.

19 January 2016

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Sustainable Energy for All's New Global Tracking Framework

Presentation of the first Global Tracking Framework report, which reviews 180 countries’ status with respect to action on energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and energy consumption

27 June 2013

Energy Efficiency

Standards and Labels: Transforming the Market for Energy Efficient Appliances

Discussion of the development of an appliance and equipment energy efficiency standards and labeling program, including a case study from Ghana

24 January 2012

Energy Access

Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship

A Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship webinar highlighting the data and evidence base around women's entrepreneurship in the energy sector that participants can use to inform policy and program design going forward.

27 March 2020

Renewable Energy

Unleashing Climate and Energy Knowledge with Linked Open Data and Consistent Terminology

Training on how energy data can be categorized automatically and consistently to break down barriers to information access

12 March 2013

RGEI Webinar: Clean Energy Status and Prospects in Fiji and the Oceania Region



RGEI Webinar: Clean Energy Status and Prospects in Fiji and the Oceania Region


1st Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM1)


1st Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM1)

Energy management campaign


Energy management campaign


Sustainable Cities and Eco-Energy Towns (CSET)


Sustainable Cities and Eco-Energy Towns (CSET)

Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future


Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future