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Energy Efficiency

ISGAN Smart Grid Project Webinar Series: Transactive Control

Presentation of the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration project and an introduction to transactive control, a smart grid application

10 July 2013

Grid Integration

Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions

A review of the challenges of integrating significant quantities of variable renewable energy to the grid and the emerging solutions that policymakers, regulators and grid operators have taken to integrate wind and solar and meet renewable energy targets.

29 July 2015

Energy Efficiency


Innovative Business Models for Energy Efficiency Financing

Training session on how innovative business models can provide energy efficiency financing, with presentations by private sector innovators

28 May 2014

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Modernizing Building Energy Codes to Secure our Global Energy Future

Discussion of this report, which shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector

20 August 2013

Grid Integration

Meltemi Community Smart Grid Pilot Site

Training on the Meltemi Community Pilot Site—recently selected as the most innovative project in the 1st European Innovative SmartGrids Solutions Competition—using a living test field to validate intelligent load management.

30 June 2015

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Market Integration of Solar

The fifth of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

8 August 2019 to 29 September 2019

Energy Efficiency

Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

An exploration of the links between climate and building energy efficiency policies, and a discussion of the role of public-private cooperation in improving building energy efficiency as part of climate change mitigation.

11 January 2017

Energy Access

Planning for Energy Access: Assessing Electrification Options

A webinar on assessing electrification options for energy access planning and a discussion of critical points in decision-making for planning electrification strategies.

7 September 2016

Renewable Energy

Operating High Variable, Renewable Generation Power Systems: Lessons Learned from Ireland and Northern Ireland

Training on lessons learned from Ireland and Northern Ireland on operating power systems with high levels of variable renewable generation.

16 September 2015

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Public Policy Recommendations to Encourage the Development of a Distributed Solar Generation Market in Sao Paulo

A webinar on policies and conditions to nurture a competitive market for photovoltaic distributed generation, with an emphasis on the commercial and industrial market.

6 December 2018

Grid Integration

PowerShift Atlantic Smart Grid Demonstration of a Virtual Power Plant

Overview of a collaborative research and demonstration initiative focused on finding effective ways to integrate wind energy into the electricity system

2 July 2014


Power Purchase Agreements for Grid-Aware Renewable Energy Procurement

A webinar will a focus on power purchase agreement (PPA) provisions that can enable wind and solar technologies to enhance grid stability and contribute to power system flexibility.

9 May 2017

Renewable Energy

REN21 Renewables 2013 Global Status Report (Webinar Series)

Annual overview of the renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide

31 August 2013 to 22 October 2013

Grid Integration

Smart Grids Model Region Salzburg

Introduction to the Salzburg Model Region Programme, including key findings from the Programme’s 12 projects

5 December 2013

Renewable Energy

Smart Community Project in Kitakyushu (Japan)

Overview of the Kitakyushu Smart Community Project, which seeks to create the appropriate social structures for a low-carbon society by innovating lifestyles, business styles and urban planning styles

15 May 2014

Energy Efficiency

Research & Innovation Needs for Smart Grid Transition

A discussion of good practice cases of how to identify research and innovation (R&I) needs for the transition towards future smart grids.

29 March 2017


Renewable Energy

The Future of Feed-In Tariffs

A global perspective on the future of feed-in tariffs, including evaluations of three criticisms of FITs

6 October 2014

Renewable Energy

The 2050 Calculator

Introduction to this tool, which can be used to examine the trade-offs and options associated with greenhouse gas mitigation, including how countries develop their own version of the tool

27 February 2014