


Search results for : Regional

Types of content


Tools and Websites

Global Solar Atlas

The World Bank and the International Finance Corporation provide the Global Solar Atlas—in addition to a series of global, regional…


The World Bank Group


1 January 2017

Deployment Data

Policy Data

Tools and Websites

Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP)

LEAP, the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System, is a widely-used software tool for energy policy analysis and climate change mitigation…


Stockholm Environment Institute


Opening Doors: Mapping The Landscape for Sustainable Energy, Gender Diversity and Social Inclusion

This report aims to systematically catalog the wide-ranging universe of stakeholders and initiatives that are addressing energy poverty and accelerating…


Sustainable Energy for All


1 January 2017


Tools and Websites

PI+ (Economic Policy Analysis Model)

PI+, the next generation of policy Insight, generates realistic year-by-year estimates of the total regional effects of any specific policy…




Putting a Price on Carbon: Ensuring Equity

This issue brief describes the variation across U.S. households in the effects of a carbon pricing policy. According to the…


World Resources Institute


Tools and Websites


REDYN – Regional Dynamics Economic Servic – is an advanced, highly flexible, expandable, Internet-based tool.


Stakeholder Message to the Ministers

This presentation represents the outcome of regional meetings in which international stakeholders were asked to convey their carbon capture and…


Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum


6 December 2017


Technology Roadmap: How2Guide for Bioenergy

This roadmap is designed to provide stakeholders from government, industry and other bioenergy-related institutions with the methodology and tools required…


International Energy Agency


1 January 2017


The Energy Challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa

This pair of linked reports explores the scientific, technical economic, and policy opportunities for renewable energy technologies to address Africa’s…




1 January 2017

Tools and Websites

The Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (website)

The Southern African Research and Documentation Centre is an independent regional knowledge resource centre established in 1985 to strengthen regional…


The Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC)


Germany and Denmark: Supporting Wind Power through Streamlined Permitting and CREZ

Renewable Energy

100% Renewables: Pipe Dream or Reality?

Launching of REN21’s newest report: Renewables Global Futures Report: Great Debates Towards 100% Renewable Energy.

4 April 2017

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Breaking Down Silos: What does linking renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency really look like?

A webinar on breaking down silos and what linking renewable energy, energy access and energy efficiency really looks like, including a discussion of the progress made to date.

8 June 2017

Energy Efficiency

Appliance and Equipment Standards

Presentation of Pushing the Energy Efficiency Envelope through Appliance Standards around the World

5 April 2011


Renewable Energy

Accessing Private Capital for Clean Energy Investments in Developing Countries

Showcase of successes of working with project developers and other project proponents to help attract investors and reach financial closure

20 November 2012

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Accès à l’Energie pour les Pays de l’Afrique de l'Ouest: Défis et Succès (French-Language Webinar)

Ce webinaire est consacré a la formation sur les défis et succès en lien avec l’accès à l’énergie dans la CEDEAO. Ce webinaire explore le contexte et les enjeux, les politiques et les initiatives régionales adoptées, les actions politiques menées pour faire face à ces défis ainsi que la promotion de modèle d’entreprise inclusive pour l’accès à l’énergie.

7 January 2015

Renewable Energy

Cities—The Hidden Gem of the Energy Transition: Launch of REN21’s Renewables in Cities 2019 Global Status Report

A webinar where you can hear how cities are driving the energy transition with renewables, learn what integrated approaches can advance the uptake of sustainable energy in all sectors and discuss how improved policies and regulatory frameworks at all levels can support the transition.

26 November 2019

Energy Access


Finance for Energy Access


Building Energy Access Markets: A Value Chain Analysis of Key Energy Market Systems (Clean Energy Solutions Center)

A showcase of the Building Energy Access Markets framework, a publication that offers policymakers and practitioners a method for designing and delivering interventions that can achieve scale and sustainability.

30 July 2015