


Search results for : Energy Efficiency

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Nils Borg

Energy Efficiency

Nils Borg

Senior Expert

IEA 4E SSL Annex

LightingProduct Policy

Energy Efficiency

Gestión energética: beneficios, desafíos y oportunidades de ahorro de energía en pequeños y medianos hotels

El objectivo del webinar es promover el uso de energía asequible, confiable, sostenible y moderna entre los pequeños y medianos hoteles en las Américas.

16 November 2017

Alejandro Silva

Energy Efficiency

Alejandro Silva

Coordinator of the Mining and Industry Sector

Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Energy of Chile

Energy Efficiency in Mining and Industry

Marcelo Padilla

Energy Efficiency

Marcelo Padilla

Industrial Engineer

Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Energy of Chile

AppliancesLabellingMinimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS)

Carolina Aguayo Maturana

Energy Efficiency

Carolina Aguayo Maturana

Head of the Firewood Unit

Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Energy of Chile

Firewood and Derivatives for Heating

Renewable Energy

Fostering Cleantech Innovation Ecosystems: The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme & Network

A webinar on fostering cleantech innovation ecosystems that will provide insights drawn from the first two years of operation of the Global Cleantech Innovation Programme and Network.

24 May 2016

Eric Gibbs

Energy Efficiency

Eric Gibbs

Senior Director of Country and Regional Programs


Appliance Labeling and Standards


CHP-Inclusive RES Policy in Arizona

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

The Rapidly Emerging Off-Grid Solar Market

A review of the rapidly emerging off-grid solar market, with highlights from two recent market studies: Off-grid Solar Market Trends Report 2016 and The State of the Global Off-Grid Appliance Market.

20 April 2016



Financial Incentives: Policy Overview and Good Practices


Support Resources for Financial Incentives


Support Resources for Building Codes

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Impact of “Phase-Out” Regulations on Lighting Markets and the Associated Policy Implications

A discussion of the impact of efforts to phase out inefficient lighting in several countries and regions around the world.

31 March 2015

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Tools to Facilitate Mini-grid Deployment

Training on mini-grids tools and resources that practitioners can use during the planning, design and operation of mini-grid projects.

17 November 2015

Matthew H. Brown


Matthew H. Brown


Harcourt Brown & Carey

Green BanksNational Clean Energy FundsAsset-backed SecuritiesPerformance Contracting and ESCOsEnergy Savings Insurance

Renewable Energy

Power Systems of the Future

An overview of the key findings of the recently released Systems of the Future:A 21st Century Power Partnership Thought Leadership Report and a discussion of the transformation pathways in Mexico and South Africa

18 March 2015


Policy Analysis with RETScreen

A webinar-based training on how to use the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software for policy.

9 February 2016

Clean Transport


Transport Readiness for and Access to Climate Finance

A webinar addressing the appropriate framework for preparing for climate finance in the transport sector, how to access climate finance opportunities and how to address challenges.

17 September 2013