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CEM9 is fast approaching


CEM9 is fast approaching

March 2018

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Exploring Opportunities for PAYG Solar as a Driver of Financial Inclusion

A webinar highlighting the opportunities for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar to be a driver of mobile money adoption and introduce a new tool to guide rapid market assessments.

26 September 2017

Global EV Outlook 2017


Global EV Outlook 2017

November 2017

Energy Access

Enabling Enterprise Development: A Selection of Best Practices in Harnessing Distributed Energy for Productive Uses

An exploration of the role of distributed energy solutions in enabling and promoting enterprise development in sub-Saharan Africa via a recently launched publication compiled by the Africa EU Energy Partnership.

17 January 2017


Operational and Financial Performance of Mini-grid DESCOs: Findings and Insights from Pioneer Benchmarking of this Emerging Sector

As part of its market development work in Tanzania, IFC in mid-2016 carried out a benchmarking exercise of 20 distributed…


International Finance Corporation (IFC)


1 January 2017

CEM8 Round-Table summary report


CEM8 Round-Table summary report

June 2017

Energy Access

Best Practices for Decentralized Energy Solutions Focusing on Lighting and Power in Humanitarian Settings

A webinar highlighting the best practices for the nexus of energy access and humanitarian relief, and focusing on the timely and appropriate distribution of decentralized energy solutions for lighting and power.

24 May 2017


Renewable Energy Auctions: Analysing 2016

This report provides updates on auctions as a mechanism for price discovery and market development. Chapter 1 gives the highlights…


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Javier Lascurain

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Javier Lascurain

Managing Director

Fast Track Carbon

Clean CookstovesGreen Technologies for HouseholdsCarbon Credits for Developing Countries

Energy Access

Quality Standards for Energy Access: How International Standards can Support Off-Grid Electrification in Developing Countries

An introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) system approach to evaluating the status of standardization in low voltage direct current applications as well as non-conventional distribution networks.

11 May 2016

Renewable Energy

Domination of Renewables

Launch of REN21’s flagship report, Renewables 2016 Global Status Report.

1 June 2016


Inclusive Financing for Distributed Energy Solutions

A review of inclusive financing for distributed energy solutions featuring the experience of two utilities that offer opt-in tariffed on-bill investment programs for building energy upgrades.

26 May 2016


Inclusive Financing for Distributed Energy Solutions

A review of inclusive financing for distributed energy solutions featuring the experience of two utilities that offer opt-in tariffed on-bill investment programs for building energy upgrades.

26 May 2016

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy Transition: The Future of Renewable Energy Policy

A review of the key findings of the recently published report, RE-TRANSITION: Policy Frameworks for Cost-competitive Renewables, which lays out a new overarching framework for understanding the evolution of renewable energy policy.

30 March 2016

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

Ask an Expert: Clean Energy Policy and Finance Technical Assistance

A chance to learn more about the no-cost technical assistance that the Solutions Center provides via its Ask an Expert program.

19 May 2016

Energy Management Campaign Launches at Seventh Clean Energy Ministerial


Energy Management Campaign Launches at Seventh Clean Energy Ministerial

June 2016

Credit Enhancement and Insurance



Energy Savings Insurance

Energy savings insurance is an innovative financial product that backstops shortfalls in actual energy savings from energy savings performance contracts.

IEA report: enhancing collaboration between multilateral initiatives


IEA report: enhancing collaboration between multilateral initiatives

May 2016