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Energy Efficiency

Energy-Water-Food Nexus

How Can U.S. Water Efficiency Standards Inform Worldwide CO2 Reduction?

A webinar covering the energy and climate benefits of water efficiency standards, including a discussion of how water and energy efficiency policy frameworks, structural factors such as water scarcity and population growth, and local technology and building practices can impact water efficiency potential.

9 June 2020

CAP Acero Compania Siderurgica Huachipato S.A. Global Energy Management implementation case study


CAP Acero Compania Siderurgica Huachipato S.A. Global Energy Management implementation case study

June 2020

Renewable Energy

Energizing sub-Saharan Africa: Cities as an Entry Point

A discussion of the key findings of the recently launched Renewables in Cities Global Status Report, and the challenges and opportunities for renewable energy in sub-Saharan African Cities.

25 March 2020

Clean Energy Ministerial brochure [February 2020] - NEW!


Clean Energy Ministerial brochure [February 2020] - NEW!

February 2020

CEM webinars this February


CEM webinars this February

February 2020

CCUS webinar 21 January: A roadmap to at-scale deployment of CCUS in the United States


CCUS webinar 21 January: A roadmap to at-scale deployment of CCUS in the United States

January 2020

Policy Data

Developing a Roadmap to a Flexible, Low-carbon Indian Electricity System: Interim Findings

India’s deployment of wind and solar surged has surged in recent years thanks to government targets and cost declines that…


Climate Policy Initiative


1 February 2019

September 2019 - Public-private collaboration essential for carbon capture: CEM CCUS Initiative and Oil and Gas Climate Initiative to drive strategic investment


September 2019 - Public-private collaboration essential for carbon capture: CEM CCUS Initiative and Oil and Gas Climate Initiative to drive strategic investment

September 2019



Bonds are long-term debt securities—essentially contractual promises to pay a specified amount (principal) by a specified date (maturity) with interest.


Energy Transition and the Role of Women: Where do we stand today?

The first in a six-part webinar series titled, Gender Equality for a More Rapid and Inclusive Energy Transition.

15 October 2019

Joe Wyder

Renewable Energy

Joe Wyder

Senior Consultant

ITP Renewables

Renewable Energy Feasibility StudiesDeploymentTendersPoliciesEconomicsTariffsModellingPower Purchase Agreements and Energy Road MapsIsolated Mini-gridsEmbedded Micro-gridsDistributed GenerationEnergy StorageEnergy Markets

Robert Passey

Renewable Energy

Robert Passey

Senior Consultant

ITP Renewables

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy PoliciesModellingEconomicsTariffsPower Purchase Agreements and Energy Road MapsEnergy MarketsDistributed GenerationEnergy StorageElectric VehiclesEmbedded Micro-gridsSmart Meters


Vietnam: Corporate Renewable Energy Update

A webinar featuring information about corporate renewable energy opportunities and market developments in Vietnam.

16 April 2019

Renewable Energy

Climate Action in Asian and Pacific Countries: The Implications of NDCs and the Role of Carbon Pricing for the Energy Sector

A webinar discussing these questions: What will be the 2030 levels of energy related GHG emissions in the region? What will NDCs imply for Asian and Pacific countries in terms of mitigation effort and associated costs? And, What are the expected impacts, depending on the carbon pricing policies implemented (sectoral regulations, domestic ETS and linking between national carbon markets), on GHG emissions levels and on the costs of policies?

6 June 2018

UK and seven major companies join EV30@30 campaign


UK and seven major companies join EV30@30 campaign

September 2018

New Zealand joins Clean Energy Ministerial electric vehicle initiative


New Zealand joins Clean Energy Ministerial electric vehicle initiative

May 2018

Clean Energy Ministerial Awards recognise top global winners in energy efficiency and grid flexibility


Clean Energy Ministerial Awards recognise top global winners in energy efficiency and grid flexibility

May 2018

Global leadership in energy management: 2018 Awards


Global leadership in energy management: 2018 Awards

May 2018