


Search results for : Developing

Types of content

Faezeh Mosallat

Renewable Energy

Faezeh Mosallat

Project Engineer

RETScreen International

RETScreen: Modeling of Renewable Energy Systems

Muriel Watt

Renewable Energy

Muriel Watt

Principal Consultant

ITP Renewables

Energy Road Maps and Renewable Energy DeploymentPoliciesTariffsPower Purchase Agreements and TrainingEnergy MarketsDistributed GenerationIsolated Mini-grids and Embedded Micro-grids


Energy Information in the Caribbean: What’s expected, what’s needed, what’s available?

A webinar providing the opportunity for energy professionals working in Caribbean countries to learn about the Caribbean Energy Knowledge Hub project and share their opinions and experiences.

19 July 2018

Energy Access


Renewable Energy

Getting Investment Where It’s Needed: How do we level the playing field?

A review of the key findings from REN21’s Renewables 2018 Global Status Report and an examination of varying investment levels across regions and their impact on access, specifically across developing countries, Africa and India.

26 June 2018

Carbon Capture

CCUS in Mexico for a Low Carbon Economy

A discussion of CCUS implementations in Mexico since 2010, including the development of Mexico’s CO2 Geological Storage Atlas and the North American Carbon Sequestration Atlas, as well as the launch of the Mexican CCUS Center in May 2018.

19 September 2018


A Powering Agriculture Guide on Integrating Gender in the Deployment of Clean Energy Solutions for Agriculture

This guide is intended to help unlock the potential demand for clean energy solutions (CES) among women farmers, who have…


Powering Agriculture


8 June 2017

Energy Access

Enabling Enterprise Development: A Selection of Best Practices in Harnessing Distributed Energy for Productive Uses

An exploration of the role of distributed energy solutions in enabling and promoting enterprise development in sub-Saharan Africa via a recently launched publication compiled by the Africa EU Energy Partnership.

17 January 2017


Transmission Planning for a High Renewable Energy Future: Lessons from the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zones Process

An overview of the regulatory, procedural and technical considerations that were critical to the successful implementation of Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in the U.S. state of Texas.

6 September 2017


The Status of the Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Asia and the Pacific

This report traces the debate, analysis and action on the water, food and energy security nexus. Considering the complex interactions…


United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific


Understand The Landscape: Tracking Finance for Electricity and Clean Cooking Access in High-Impact Countries

This report, which covers both electricity and clean cooking, aims to advance the understanding of finance directed towards the developing…


Sustainable Energy For All


1 September 2017

New Commitments Highlight Progress of Energy Management Campaign at Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial


New Commitments Highlight Progress of Energy Management Campaign at Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial

June 2017


Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Urban Agriculture: Exploring the Food, Energy, Water, and Health Nexus in Hyderabad, India

Nutrients and water found in domestic treated wastewater are valuable and can be reutilized in urban agriculture as a potential…


Environmental Research Letters


4 July 2017


Understanding Dynamics and Resilience in Complex Interdependent Systems

U.S. Global Change Research Program webpage that provides a report that describes the results of a workshop that addressed the…


U.S. Global Change Research Program

Energy Access

Best Practices for Decentralized Energy Solutions Focusing on Lighting and Power in Humanitarian Settings

A webinar highlighting the best practices for the nexus of energy access and humanitarian relief, and focusing on the timely and appropriate distribution of decentralized energy solutions for lighting and power.

24 May 2017

Tools and Websites

World Bank: Water Website

As the world’s largest multilateral source of financing for water in developing countries, the World Bank is working closely with…


World Bank

Tools and Websites

World Bank: Water Website

As the world’s largest multilateral source of financing for water in developing countries, the World Bank is working closely with…


World Bank

Tools and Websites

U.S. Administration of International Development (USAID): On The Waterfront

USAID is at the forefront of this water-energy-food security “nexus” approach. The Agency is working with local populations to promote…


U.S. Administration of International Development (USAID)

Carolina Aguayo Maturana

Energy Efficiency

Carolina Aguayo Maturana

Head of the Firewood Unit

Energy Efficiency Division, Ministry of Energy of Chile

Firewood and Derivatives for Heating