


Search results for : Finance

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Carbon Capture

Key Financing Principles for CCUS

A discussion of the key principles for CCUS financing and the ways to put them into action, especially in Asia.

18 June 2020

Renewable Energy

Jumpstarting Combined Heat and Power Initiatives in the United States

Exploration of how federal and state governments can lead promotion efforts to increase the use of combined heat and power (CHP)

20 November 2013

Energy Access

Introduction à la Politique et aux Stratégies d’Électrification Rurale

Une Introduction à la Politique et aux Stratégies d’Électrification Rurale.

13 July 2016

Energy Efficiency


Innovative Business Models for Energy Efficiency Financing

Training session on how innovative business models can provide energy efficiency financing, with presentations by private sector innovators

28 May 2014

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Modernizing Building Energy Codes to Secure our Global Energy Future

Discussion of this report, which shares best practices and lessons learned among IEA member countries and non-IEA countries in improving energy efficiency in the building sector

20 August 2013

Energy Efficiency

Linking Building Energy Efficiency and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

An exploration of the links between climate and building energy efficiency policies, and a discussion of the role of public-private cooperation in improving building energy efficiency as part of climate change mitigation.

11 January 2017

Energy Efficiency

Policies to Strengthen the Role of Citizens in the Energy Transition

A webinar on best practices to promote citizens’ participation in the energy transition.

20 September 2018

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Policies for Distributed PV

The first of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

13 September 2018 to 13 September 2019

Grid Integration

Renewable Energy

Opportunities and Challenges for Rural Off-grid Lighting and Distribution Markets in India

Review of the challenges and opportunities within India's rural off-grid lighting and distribution markets, as well as emerging and innovative distribution models in the off-grid renewable energy sector

5 March 2014

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Off-Grid Solar

The seventh of an eight-module training course by the the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

14 September 2018 to 20 May 2019

Energy Access

Energy Efficiency

Promoting High-performing Off-grid Appliances: Opportunities for Policymakers

A webinar on how policymakers can use test methods, quality standards and labelling to promote high-performing, off-grid appropriate appliances.

9 July 2019

Renewable Energy

REN21 Renewables 2014 Global Status Report: Middle East and North Africa

Review of the renewable energy market, industry, and policy trends in the MENA region

3 July 2014

Renewable Energy

REN21 Renewables 2013 Global Status Report (Webinar Series)

Annual overview of the renewable energy market, industry, investment and policy development worldwide

31 August 2013 to 22 October 2013

Grid Integration

Smart Grids Model Region Salzburg

Introduction to the Salzburg Model Region Programme, including key findings from the Programme’s 12 projects

5 December 2013

Energy Efficiency

Research & Innovation Needs for Smart Grid Transition

A discussion of good practice cases of how to identify research and innovation (R&I) needs for the transition towards future smart grids.

29 March 2017

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Renewables Tagger: A New Climate Tagger Feature, Developed by IRENA and REEEP

An introduction to the Renewables Tagger—a new tool for publishers of online content related to renewable energy—including an explanation of the tool’s technical background, a description of the knowledge system behind the tool and an explanation of how new content was created with the input of domain experts.

27 September 2016

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

The Future of Solar Policy

The third of an eight-module training course by the International Solar Alliance and the Clean Energy Solutions Center.

24 January 2019 to 8 October 2019


Renewable Energy

The Future of Feed-In Tariffs

A global perspective on the future of feed-in tariffs, including evaluations of three criticisms of FITs

6 October 2014