


Search results for : Finance

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Green Banks


Clean Energy in Two U.S. States (California Energy Storage Alliance)

Highlights of programs in California and Connecticut that won CESA’s 2014 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards.

16 January 2015

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Effective Supply Chains for Energy Access

A showcase of innovative supply chain mechanisms that members of the Energy Access Practitioner Network have adopted to facilitate scaling decentralized energy solutions.

27 January 2015

Renewable Energy

Education and Skills Needs in the Renewable Energy Sector

Discussion of the critical shortage of skilled personnel needed to develop, design, finance, build, operate and maintain renewable energy projects

2 April 2014 to 30 April 2014



Loan Guarantees

Driving Geothermal Deployment in Developing Countries (Climate Policy Initiative, Climate Investment Funds)

A webinar sharing recommendations on the effective delivery of public finance from policymakers and development finance institutions to enable fast and cost-effective deployment of geothermal in developing countries.

11 November 2015

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Policies and Trends in the EU

An evaluation of energy efficiency in the EU and by country, including reviews of both energy efficiency trends and the policy instruments implemented to improve energy efficiency.

7 July 2016

Renewable Energy

Focus on Mexico: Promoting ENERGY STAR and LEED Certification

Discussion of the design, promotion and implementation of certification programs, as well as incentives and outreach activities can be used to advance certification programs

29 November 2012

Energy Access


Renewable Energy

Financing Clean Energy Solutions in Developing Nations

Training covering energy access, end-user finance, enabling environments for project development, and small and growing clean energy businesses in developing countries, including case studies

11 June 2012


Financial Analysis with RETScreen

Does your clean energy project make financial sense?

27 April 2016


Financial Analysis with RETScreen

Does your clean energy project make financial sense?

27 April 2016




Green Bonds: Trailblazing Issuers Accelerating the Low Carbon Economy (As You Sow)

One in a series of webinars focused on the rapid growth of green bond issuances and the market response to the financial sector’s increasing recognition of the need for action on climate change.

18 February 2014




Green Bonds and Innovative Climate Financing Mechanisms (USAID)

Representatives of the International Finance Corporation and Anurag Mishra of USAID/India discuss trends, the potential and challenges in using green bonds for climate change mitigation and adaptation.

9 June 2015

Renewable Energy

Global LEAP: Setting Priorities

Forum for hearing from Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (LEAP) team members and discussing prospective activities with them

23 July 2012

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

Getting Building Codes Right: Implementation and Enforcement

Exploration of the barriers to implementing rigorous enforcement systems for new buildings, including examples of good enforcement, best-practice measures, and lessons learned

10 February 2014

Energy Efficiency


Renewable Energy

IFC's EDGE Green Buildings Market Transformation Program

Examination of the this program, which engages financiers, developers, regulators and homeowners through the EDGE tool to reveal building design solutions

6 February 2014

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

IEC's Discount Packages to Access Sustainable Energy Standards for Rural Electrification

Highlighting of the International Electrotechnical Commission’s work on renewable energy standards, including an exploration of global quality standards

14 May 2013

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

IEA's Energy Storage Technology Roadmap

Review of the IEA’s Technology Roadmap: Energy Storage, which examines the role of energy storage technologies within future energy systems

19 March 2014

Energy Access

How to Maintain Quality Standards in Rural Electrification

An overview of key issues regarding the importance of maintaining high quality for both the components and the design of rural electrification projects.

27 October 2016

Energy Access

Le Pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) et les compteurs prépayés: Modèles d’entreprise innovants pour l’électrification rurale

Un survol des modèles d’entreprise innovants des compagnies PAYGO et des compteurs prépayés et tente de fournir une synthèse de leurs avantages ainsi que des défis qui persistent.

18 January 2018