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Advancing Gender in the Environment: Gender-responsive Geothermal Generation: Powering Energy and Social Benefits in El Salvador

This case study highlights the various ways in which LaGeo—a geothermal energy utility in El Salvador—developed strategies throughout its corporate…




27 February 2019

Grid Integration

Implementing a Quality Assurance Framework for Microgrid Performance Monitoring in Africa: Examples, Lessons, and Opportunities

A review of electricity access in Africa and private investment in the microgrid sector and the role of the Quality Assurance Framework can play.

13 February 2019

Energy Management Campaign Announces Progress at Tenth Clean Energy Ministerial


Energy Management Campaign Announces Progress at Tenth Clean Energy Ministerial

May 2019

Yumen Oil Field Company Global Energy Management implementation case study


Yumen Oil Field Company Global Energy Management implementation case study

May 2019

The Advanced Nuclear Technologies – a UK framework


The Advanced Nuclear Technologies – a UK framework

May 2019

Muriel Watt

Renewable Energy

Muriel Watt

Principal Consultant

ITP Renewables

Energy Road Maps and Renewable Energy DeploymentPoliciesTariffsPower Purchase Agreements and TrainingEnergy MarketsDistributed GenerationIsolated Mini-grids and Embedded Micro-grids

Energy Efficiency

Top Ten Best Available Technologies for the U.S. Building Sector

A webinar highlighting a list of energy savings technologies for the U.S. buildings sector that are innovative, reliable, widely available and have good financial value.

11 October 2018

Renewable Energy

Greening the Grid: Best Practices for Grid Codes for Renewable Energy Generators

An introduction to the essential concepts for understanding renewable energy grid codes and a review of how grid codes have developed in the United States and internationally.

4 October 2018

Carbon Capture

Framework for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in the Clean Energy Ministerial

An overview and discussion of potential activities in the newly launched CCUS Initiative.

17 May 2018

Tools and Websites

Global Wind Atlas

The Global Wind Atlas is a free web-based application developed to help policymakers and investors (1) identify potential high-wind areas…


World Bank Group

Energy Access

Renewable Energy

Solar Power

Exploring Opportunities for PAYG Solar as a Driver of Financial Inclusion

A webinar highlighting the opportunities for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) solar to be a driver of mobile money adoption and introduce a new tool to guide rapid market assessments.

26 September 2017

Global EV Outlook 2017


Global EV Outlook 2017

November 2017

Renewable Energy

Launching the Renewable Energy Data Explorer: Data and Analysis to Enable Renewable Energy Decisions

A training webinar that will outline several analysis tools within the Renewable Energy Data Explorer that practitioners can use to enable robust decisions.

6 June 2017


Millennium Villages Project-Mali

This paper discusses the Columbia Water Center’s (in conjunction with the Millennium Villages Project in Mali), the developed and tested…


Columbia Water Center


Transmission Planning for a High Renewable Energy Future: Lessons from the Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zones Process

An overview of the regulatory, procedural and technical considerations that were critical to the successful implementation of Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in the U.S. state of Texas.

6 September 2017


100% Percent Electricity Generation through Renewable Energy by 2050: Assessment of Sri Lanka's Power Sector

This report has been developed with the purpose of designing and proposing scenarios and mechanisms through which the goal of…


Asian Development Bank

United Nations Development Programme


1 August 2017

CEM8 Round-Table summary report


CEM8 Round-Table summary report

June 2017

Training Materials

Gender and Energy Equality E-Learning Course

This self-paced course was developed for social development and energy specialists, policymakers, practitioners and members of civil society interested in…


Energy Sector Management Assistance Program


1 January 2017