14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM14)
From 19 July to 22 July 2023
Goa, India

The 14th Clean Energy Ministerial and the 8th Mission Innovation meeting took place alongside the G20 Energy Transition Ministerial Meeting. This year’s host is the Indian Government, who kindly welcomed us in the gorgeous state of Goa. The CEM14 reunited
- more than 3500+ participants from 50+ countries over 4 days
- 26 member states and 10 international organisations represented at ministerial level
The four-day program included
- 80+ side events across 8 different sectors
- 8 Minister-CEO dialogues/roundtables
- 100+ national & international organisers
The wide array of side-events cut across multiple sectors of the clean energy transition, including the six main CEM focus areas: Clean Power, Clean Transport, Clean Industry, Clean Buildings, Clean Solutions and Empowering Society.