


Sustainable Lifestyles, Fairness and Access to Clean Energy Technologies

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The campaign on sustainable lifestyles, fairness and access to clean energy technologies is a commitment by countries and partners to join forces to enable the global clean energy transition to happen in a fair way.

The campaign’s ambition is to enable countries and partners to incentivise and share policies that ensure no-one is left behind as we move towards greener and more competitive economies.

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The clean technology transition is essential, but it’s not an end in itself. We need to ensure everyone benefits and is supported as we move towards greener and more competitive economies.

The transition has to work for the many, not just the few. We need to make it easier for people to shift to more sustainable lifestyles while having access to clean energy technologies, especially vulnerable societal groups. Countries, partners and other stakeholders can play a central role in this process by developing and sharing the guiding principles that need to underpin this large-scale transformation. The campaign, kicked off in Foz do Iguaçu on 1st October 2024, will run for two years and include a non-binding pledge, a study from the International Energy Agency, the sharing of good practices including a workshop and a final report with the main outcomes. A communication campaign will be also undertaken to raise awareness.

The opportunity

The clean energy transition’s success hinges not only on adopting more efficient technologies, but also on the energy consumption and the emissions we generate. Shifts in lifestyles and behaviours have the potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40-70% by 2050 according to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Individual and collective efforts to embrace sustainable practices can therefore have a profound impact on mitigation.

The new campaign aims at raising awareness on reducing our energy consumption with behavioural adaptation at all levels, while ensuring that also the most vulnerable groups have access to clean energy technologies. Policy measures need to be developed appropriately considering the fairness dimension, as not all societal groups can reduce their energy consumption and access such technologies. At the same time, those contributing least to climate change are suffering most from its adverse effects.

Through this campaign, we are bringing together countries and partners that share the same values and goals: embedding social justice within the clean energy transition, so that its benefits are equitably shared. By signing a non-binding pledge, they endorse principles that will spur action across the globe and create the momentum to push forward a just transition that leaves no one behind.