


Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future

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The NICE Future initiative aims to initiate a dialogue on the role that clean and reliable nuclear energy can play in bolstering economic growth, energy security and access, and environmental stewardship—with a focus on innovative applications for advanced nuclear systems to enable coordinated and integrated clean energy systems of the future.

The initiative seeks to achieve this goal in support of the following strategic objectives:

  1. Bring nuclear energy from traditional, nuclear-only fora to broader multilateral discussions on clean energy at both the ministerial and working levels;
  2. Engage both nuclear and non-nuclear energy policy makers and stakeholders in a discussion on the role of nuclear energy in integrated clean energy systems of the future; and
  3. Ensure energy policy-makers are informed of the opportunities and challenges of the full range of options needed to meet global clean energy goals—covering areas of technology feasibility, economics and financing, and stakeholder perspectives.


nice future

NICE Future aims to ensure that nuclear energy receives appropriate representation in high-level discussions about clean energy.

The initiative engages diverse stakeholders to focus on full-scale nuclear for baseload electricity as well as innovative, next-generation technologies and integrated renewable-nuclear energy systems across four key areas:

  • Exploring innovative applications for advanced nuclear systems – both electric and non-electric.
  • Engaging policy makers and stakeholders regarding energy choices for the future.
  • Pooling experience on economics, including valuation, market structure, and ability to finance.
  • Communicating nuclear energy’s role in clean integrated energy systems, social equity, economic empowerment, and developing the nuclear workforce of the future.