


Multilateral Solar & Wind working group

solar wind


Through these activities, the Working Group seeks to achieve the following goal:

  • Further allay the incremental costs of providing wind and solar energy to all regions of the world, thereby creating jobs, reducing emissions, and promoting energy security.

For more information, view the Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group activities page or fact sheet


multilateral solar wind

This initiative graduated from the Clean Energy Ministerial in September 2020.

The Multilateral Solar and Wind Working Group aims to promote the accelerated deployment of solar and wind technologies. In the Working Group’s first project phase, it developed a global atlas for solar and wind energy as well as a corresponding long-term strategy on joint capacity building. In addition, the final report of the Working Group’s econValue project outlines economic value creation effects from renewable energy deployment, as well as how to measure these effects and policies to facilitate and optimize them.

In its current project phase, the Working Group is focusing on the increasing role of auctioning systems for the cost-efficient deployment of renewable energy technologies, as well as on market and system integration of the rising shares of electricity from variable renewable energy sources. The Working Group, in partnership with IRENA, recently published a new report that provides key recommendations to guide policy makers in designing effective renewable energy auctions.