


Investment And Finance Initiative

Investment And Finance Initiative


Support CEM countries in developing policies and enabling frameworks to mobilize investment and finance through: 

  1. Peer Exchange and Outreach,
  2. Knowledge Development and Dissemination, and
  3. Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building.


Investment And Finance Initiative

The CEM Investment and Finance initiative (CEM-IF) aims to support energy ministries of CEM countries in developing policies and enabling frameworks conducive to mobilizing investment and financing, particularly from private sources, for deployment of clean energy at scale. It seeks to address issues across the value chain, with a focus on “upstream” policies and regulations that influence the attractiveness of clean energy investments as well as the supply of finance to realize them, plus “downstream” business and financing models, risk mitigation and transactional tools that can facilitate development and financing of investable projects. It aims to create a unique partnership model, bringing together diverse capabilities and insights of governments, technical partners, public and commercial financial institutions, investors and industry.