


ISGAN – International Smart Grid Action Network

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ISGAN’s objective is to accelerate the development and deployment of smarter, cleaner and more flexible electricity grids around the world. Smart grids enable increased demand response and energy efficiency.

ISGAN leverages high-level government leadership and industry technology innovation to support greater national ambition in developing and deploying smart grids in ISGAN member country markets and regions.


International Smart Grid Action Network

The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) is an international platform for the development and exchange of knowledge and expertise on smarter, cleaner, and more flexible and resilient electricity grids (“Smart Grids”). ISGAN provides an important channel for the communication of experience, trends, lessons learned, and visions in support of global, national and regional clean energy objectives as well as new flexible and resilient solutions for Smart Grids.

ISGAN is a joint CEM Initiative and IEA Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) established in 2011. ISGAN is supported by a co-secretariat at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the Korea Smart Grid Institute (KSGI). ISGAN also have an executive committee. For more background on ISGAN’s structure visit here.