Equality in Energy Transitions Initiative (formerly C3E International)

Accelerating gender equality and diversity in clean energy transitions.

The Equality in Energy Transitions Initiative (Equality Initiative) – formerly known as C3E International – aims to advance the transition to a low carbon economy through advancing women’s participation in clean energy and closing the gender gap in the energy sector. The Equality Initiative is part of both the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) network.
The first important step to change is having a solid understanding of the current landscape. At present, there is limited gender-disaggregated data regarding the energy sector and inadequate knowledge about how to make the sector more gender diverse. It is critical for countries and organizations to join efforts to improve systematic data collection in order to understand trends and identify actions aimed at increasing a more diverse presence and participation in the energy sector.
The purpose of this workstream is to collect existing data and improve knowledge on gender equality in the energy sector. The objectives of this workstream are to support the development of policies and actions that may accelerate gender equality and improve equal opportunities for people of all genders and backgrounds in the future. Particular attention is paid to sharing expertise and good practice policies at international and national levels.
All participants contribute to the Data Collection, Knowledge Building and Policies workstream, with the IEA serving as the coordinator.
Equality in Energy Transitions ambassadors are given opportunities to attract, retain, and inspire the next generation of leaders in the clean energy sector through public speaking engagements, serving as a role model, and championing careers of up-and-coming professionals in the field.
Ambassadors serve on a voluntary basis for two-year terms, renewable once. Up to five ambassadors can be selected from each Equality Initiative’s member country and come from multi-disciplinary clean energy fields, including industry, government, and universities. The ambassadors’ cohort is made up of proactive and highly qualified people of all genders who are leaders in the clean energy field and champions of gender equality.
The United States is leading the Ambassadors Program.
Additional Information
A clean energy future will only succeed if we harness all possible talent and help to close the gender gap. This is why the Equality Initiative has established an international Awards Program. The Equality Initiative Awards Program recognizes and celebrates outstanding individuals or organizations who have helped to advance the role of women in the clean energy field. The program contributes to the initiative’s goals to inspire women around clean energy issues in order to attract more young women to these important careers, support their advancement into leadership positions, and connect women in clean energy around the globe.
As of 2022, the Equality Initiative Awards have three categories:
The WOMAN OF DISTINCTION award celebrates professional women working in the clean energy sector who goes beyond ‘business-as-usual’.
The ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP award recognizes public, private, or non-profit organizations that have taken actions to recruit, develop, and retain women within the clean energy sector; and
The EMERGING LEADER award recognizes and celebrates an emerging individual who has shown to be an exceptional role model, who has shown outstanding promise to advance the role of women and has had an impact through demonstrated leadership, innovation or initiative in the renewable energy sector. This award will recognize excellence in leadership, policy and advocacy, technical advancement and R&D, project development, community engagement, promotion/adoption of clean energy technologies, and/or volunteer work.
Canada designs and delivers the Equality Initiative Awards program with support from other Equality Initiative members and Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), a non-profit organization working to advance women in the energy sector with expertise in delivering women of distinction awards.
The Equality Initiative Awards ceremony takes place at the annual Clean Energy Ministerial.
Winner of C3E International Woman of Distinction Award 2020
2020: Dr. Ibilola Amao
2019: Dr. Elbia Gannoum,
Winner of C3E International Organizational Leadership Award 2020
2020: Cerro Dominador
2019: PEG Africa
Nominations for the 2022 Awards Program are open until 13 July 2022, 23:55 EST. For more information on the awards, and to submit a nomination, please click here.
Additional Information
Fact sheet
2019 Fact sheetWebinars and Past Events
C3E presentationWebsite
Equality InitiativeSocial media
Join us
If you are interested in getting involved or learning more, please contact the Equality Initiative Secretary (secretary@equality-energytransitions.org) or Chair (c3E.rncan@canada.ca).