Energy Management Working Group


This initiative reached its goal and graduated from the Clean Energy Ministerial as of September 2020.
Organizations around the globe are using ISO 50001-certified energy management systems (EnMS) to achieve energy, economic, and sustainability benefits that boost competitiveness. ISO 50001 offers a transparent, business-friendly way to align corporate goals with national climate and energy goals.
Energy Management Working Group (EMWG) member governments leverage their resources and take collective action to accelerate ISO 50001 adoption around the globe. Participating governments include Argentina, Australia, Canada [lead], Chile, China, Denmark, the European Commission, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and the United States [lead]. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) serves as the Operating Agent for the EMWG.
Key accomplishments
The EMWG organizes the Energy Management Campaign, in which public and private sector leaders are uniting to promote ISO 50001, a proven framework to manage energy use. Each year, the EMWG honors organizations through the global Energy Management Leadership Awards.
Key activities
By sharing their knowledge, expertise, and experience, the EMWG and its partners:
- Build the Business Case: Make the private sector aware of the business case for energy management and its value in maintaining competitiveness.
- Energy Management Leadership Awards
- Case Studies
- Energy Performance Database
- Provide Support & Resources: Provide guidance and resources to support national and regional implementation of energy management.
- M&V Guidance (on Data Quality, Decision Tree, and Energy Accounting)
- EnMS Training and Skills
- Set Policy: Establish energy management as a key energy efficiency strategy for the industrial and commercial building sectors.
- Energy Management Campaign
- ISO 50001 Global Impacts Research Network and ISO 50001 Impact Estimator Tool
- ISO 50001 Auditor Certification
- EnMS Pilot Projects
- New in 2019: Global ISO 50001 Certification Database
The EMWG engages private industry, non-government organizations (NGOs), standards and accreditation bodies, and regional energy efficiency programs to combine strengths and support cohesive national and regional energy and climate strategies. Partnerships with organizations such as ISO and UNIDO also strengthen the EMWG’s focus on quality implementation of EnMS and ISO 50001, the international energy management standard.
Policy opportunities
The Energy Management Working Group (EMWG) aims to establish energy management as a key energy efficiency strategy for the industrial facilities and commercial, public sector, and institutional buildings. The EMWG works with governments and partners to create or expand programs and policies to promote EnMS adoption. These programs and policies can target the private sector, but EMWG also recommends that governments expand the use of EnMS to publicly owned facilities.
View the Key Activities (above) for specific policy opportunities. Throughout 2019, the EMWG will roll out new activities that address member governments’ current priorities. Expanded private sector engagements are a priority for broadening ISO 50001 implementation beyond the largest energy users. EMWG members also identified a shared need for training opportunities to develop skilled ISO 50001 professionals as a priority for future efforts. Additionally, the EMWG seeks to raise awareness of EnMS as a strategy that complements other CEM initiatives and emerging global energy priorities.