Empowering Regulators for Accelerated Decarbonisation

This CEM Campaign will strengthen the interface between policymakers and energy regulators to align regulatory actions with national decarbonization goals, accelerate solutions for the clean energy transition, and provide a repository of best practices for effective policy implementation.

Currently, the action plan for the CEM Campaign is expected to cover the elements below. The workplan will be further consolidated with the co-leads and participating countries over the coming months.

RETA Roundtable & Steering Committee Meeting, March 2024

Following a flagship report by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) for the Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA)—a platform of 60+ regulators—evidence emerged that regulators worldwide are already finding creative ways to advance decarbonization despite limited explicit mandates. In response, the RETA Steering Committee granted a mandate to elevate this message, sparking a collaboration with the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and the 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP).
CEM15 Side-Event – Empowering Energy Regulators to Tackle Decarbonisation, October 2024

During a side-event at CEM15, the vision of this CEM Campaign was further developed. This event with speakers from regulators from Kenya, Great Britain and Chile, brought our messages straight to policy makers. It provided the opportunity for co-operating agents and partners to present their plans for this campaign to the policy makers in attendance, while receiving valuable feedback.
The following speakers spoke at this event:
- Djane Fontan (ANEEL)
- Paolo Frankl (IEA)
- Rich Sedano (RAP)
- Alejandro Hernandez (RAP)
- Jerson Reyes (CNE)
- Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria (EPRA)
- Jane Dennett-Thorpe (Ofgem)
- Dr. Doug Arent, (NREL/21CPP)
- Jean-Francois Gagné (CEM Secretariat)
Official launch of the CEM Campaign at COP29 – November 15, 2024
The CEM Campaign was launched at an event at the Canadian Pavilion at COP29, in Baku, with representatives from the co-lead countries, co-operating agents, and regulators. For the latest information see the event page.