


Electric Vehicles Initiative

Electric vehicles


Electric vehicles initiative

Some of the key goals of the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Electric Vehicles Initiative include:

  • Strengthen the understanding of the opportunities offered by electric mobility to meet multiple policy goals.
  • Improve awareness of the drivers of EV deployment, supporting country-level policy and regulatory implementation.
  • Outline a vision for the future of electric mobility, building consensus on policy goals (e.g. EV30@30) and benchmarking success.
  • Bolster policy action and improve the visibility of national policy efforts in publications, such as the Global EV Outlook
  • Mobilize targeted policy action and strengthening the impact of specific measures.
  • Accelerate the geographical coverage of policy deployment on electric mobility through capacity building and sharing knowledge and experiences, accelerating learning, and specific activities such as the EVI Global Pilot Cities Program.


The Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI) is a multi-government policy forum dedicated to accelerating the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles worldwide. In 2010, EVI was one of several initiatives ‌launched under the CEM.

Electrifying the global vehicle fleet is a key component of the CEM’s goal of enhancing the use of clean energy. Vehicle electrification makes transportation more energy efficient, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependence, and improves local air quality. Electric vehicle charging could also act as distributed energy storage in support of integrating renewable energy into grid and off-grid energy systems.