Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC)
The Clean Energy Solutions Center helps governments, advisors, and analysts create policies and programs that advance the deployment of clean energy technologies.

The Clean Energy Solutions Center (the Solutions Center) helps governments design and adopt policies and programs that support the deployment of transformational low-carbon technologies. The Solutions Center offers no-cost clean energy policy assistance through a global network of experts for government policy makers and the technical institutes assisting them, online training and webinars, and peer-to-peer learning to help countries tailor solutions to their needs and foster international collaboration on policy innovations. The Solutions Center also serves as a knowledge portal for online clean energy resources—including policy best practices, data, and analysis tools—and shares these resources with a global forum of energy experts, policy makers, and other stakeholders in partnership with leading international and regional clean energy organizations.
About the Solutions Center
The Clean Energy Solutions Center helps governments design and adopt policies and programs that support the deployment of clean energy technologies.
What We Offer
The Solutions Center offers no-cost expert policy assistance, webinars and training forums, clean energy policy reports, data, and tools provided in partnership with leading international and regional clean energy organizations.
Ask an Expert Service
Our Ask an Expert service provides no-cost clean energy policy assistance through a global network of experts for government agency representatives and the technical institutes assisting them. To date, this service has supported hundreds of requests for assistance from over 90 countries. The Ask an Expert service makes it easy to request targeted, first-rate expert assistance and receive in-depth answers and support for your policy questions.
Web-Based Training and Peer Learning
Our webinars are designed in collaboration with global partner institutions and engage diverse global audiences in interactive discussions on important clean energy policy topics covering energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy access, and transport issues.
Resource Library
The Solutions Center features an extensive collection of clean energy resources, including reports on best-practice policies, as well as data and analysis tools for the benefit of policymakers.
We also develop clean energy policy briefs intended to inform legislators, decision makers, analysts working for government agencies, and utility executives on current good practices, lessons learned, and success stories.
Clean Energy Analysis
The Clean Energy Solutions Center helps inform global energy dialogue with original research and analysis. The Solutions Center has also issued reports on the next generation of renewable electricity policies, the integration of renewable energy in electric power markets, and policies to spur energy access.
Unique Policy Resources
The Solutions Center provides current and relevant information on clean energy policies. These resources include emerging policy reports, enhanced policy data, and analysis tools such as the Indian Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy Database (IREEED)—an online database of India’s renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, regulations, and incentive programs.
Solutions Center Governance
The Solutions Center is an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), a global forum to share best practices and promote policies and programs that encourage and facilitate the transition to a global clean energy economy.
The Solutions Center is co-sponsored by the governments of the United States and Australia.
As the Solutions Center operating agency, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is responsible for content development, service delivery, website design and maintenance, analysis, and all other products and services provided by the Solutions Center. NREL also coordinates activities with the many Solutions Center partners.
Ask An Expert Service
Since the Solutions Center launched in 2011, its experts have responded to more than 400 requests for assistance from more than 90 countries, island nations and regional organizations around the world.
Ask an Expert Service Impacts
CESC’s Ask an Expert service provides no-cost clean energy policy assistance through a global network of experts for government agency representatives and the technical institutes assisting them. To date, this service has supported hundreds of requests for assistance from over 90 countries. The Ask an Expert service makes it easy to request targeted, first-rate expert assistance and receive in-depth answers and support for your policy questions.
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Resource Library
The Clean Energy Solutions Center is dedicated to providing government officials, policymakers, and their advisors a centralized resource to access good practice information that supports development and implementation of clean energy policies and programs.
We cull the vast global library of clean energy policy resources to present the most relevant clean energy reports, data and tools to help you design and implement clean energy policy in your country or region. Find resources by searching our collection using keywords. Or, browse for resources by topics, including clean transport, energy access, energy efficiency, finance, grid integration, renewable energy, and the energy-water-food nexus.
Policy briefs
Disclaimer: The Solutions Center does not endorse or recommend specific products or services. The Solutions Center does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites and does not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.
See also these policy resource collections from our partners, policy data resources and public databases for subnational clean energy policies.
Training and Webinars
We offer no-cost training webinars on clean energy policy and finance topics for policymakers around the world.
Visit the CESC’s YouTube to see past webinars:
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