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Terri Walters

President and Founder

Katevan Consulting

Terri Walters, an engineer who has more than 20 years of clean energy policy experience, is on call through the Clean Energy Solutions Center’s Ask an Expert service to provide assistance to countries that are developing clean energy policies or programs.

“When creating policy, it’s not that you can’t get information. It’s that you’re inundated with information from all sides of the issue. You’re looking for somebody who’s unbiased and who you can trust to help you meet your goals,” Walters said. “That’s why the Ask an Expert program is so valuable. Our only agenda is to help you find solutions and accomplish your country’s objectives.”

Over the past two years, Walters has worked with several countries—including Chile, Mauritius, and South Africa—through Ask an Expert.

“For the countries I’ve worked with, it’s helpful simply to discuss plans with an outside expert. Once I understand their concerns, we talk through a range of solutions that they might consider. Even where policies proceed as planned, having outside confirmation can increase confidence in policy decisions,” she said. “The assistance that the Clean Energy Solutions Center provides can range from providing basic ‘how to’ information on policies to conducting assessments of existing policies or programs. Ask an Expert is a very high-value use of time. It doesn’t take much time on either side.”

Asked what she would say to countries and policymakers about the Ask an Expert service, Walters said, “It’s easy to ask a question through Ask an Expert—the form is very simple to use. Just run something by us and we’ll provide you with a sounding board on what you’re trying to accomplish. Regardless of how big or small your question, it’s okay to ask for help.”

Walters is president and founder of Katevan Consulting, a firm focused on renewable energy projects and clean energy markets. Her recent projects include feasibility reviews of commercial-scale renewable energy projects and development of guidelines for integrating renewable energy into building construction.

Prior to consulting, Walters spent 15 years serving the U.S. government on domestic and international energy policy issues. At the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, she engaged state governments and rural communities on policy options to increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. She advised government officials on energy policies and programs, developed a technical assistance program, designed and implemented a federal rural energy grant program, and chaired an industry certification program for renewable energy providers.

At the U.S. Department of Energy, Walters served as chief of staff for the Office of Policy and International Affairs, where she worked on a wide range of policy issues: bilateral energy negotiations with international partners, clean energy trade missions, expansion of international energy efficiency and renewable energy markets, climate change issues, and electricity market restructuring. In 1995, she co-wrote the U.S. national energy policy plan.

Terri Walters is president and founder of Katevan Consulting, LLC, a firm focused on renewable energy projects and markets. Her recent projects include feasibility reviews of commercial-scale renewable energy projects and development of guidelines for integrating renewable energy into building construction. Prior to consulting, Terri served the U.S. government on domestic and international energy policy issues for 15 years. At the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, she engaged state governments and rural communities on policy options to increase the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. She advised government officials on energy policies and programs, developed a technical assistance program, designed and implemented a federal rural energy grant program and chaired an industry certification program for renewable energy providers. At the U.S. Department of Energy, Terri served as chief of staff for the Office of Policy and International Affairs, including work in a wide range of policy issues: bilateral energy negotiations with international partners, expansion of international energy efficiency and renewable energy markets, climate change issues, and electricity market restructuring. Terri was a co-author of the U.S. national energy policy plan in 1995. She has also worked as a manufacturing engineer and a state- and national-level political consultant.