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Robert Passey

Senior Consultant

ITP Renewables

Rob Passey has more than 18 years’ energy sector experience. He is a Senior Consultant with ITP and also a Postdoctoral Fellow with the UNSW School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, as well as Policy Analyst and Treasurer at the Australian PV Institute. He focuses on policy research and analysis, particularly energy efficiency, renewable energy, distributed generation, electric vehicles and energy markets.

Specific interests include market mechanisms to reduce greenhouse emissions, increase uptake of low emission technologies and improve energy efficiency, distributed generation and its integration into electricity networks, including smart grids, electric vehicles and their impact on electricity networks, technical assessments of low-emissions technologies and the characteristics of end-user decision-making relevant to uptake of distributed energy. He has a Masters in Energy Studies from Murdoch University and a Doctorate and Honours degree in Science from UNSW. He lives in northern New South Wales.