Nils Borg
Senior Expert
IEA 4E SSL Annex
Mr. Borg has a broad energy efficiency background with project management experience from technology procurement, public procurement, programme design and analysis of technology and policy interaction.
He has expertise in lighting and product policy and works as the Operating Agent for the IEA 4E SSL Annex. He is also carrying out work in Africa for the Swedish International Development Agency, where he is working with the design of a Swedish/UNIDO long-term intervention to support efficient lighting and appliances in Southern Africa.
Nils Borg leads the work of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee), which includes organizing the scientific eceee Summer Study where over 200 peer-reviewed papers are presented and where more than 400 experts meet for formal and informal cooperation for a week. Nils has worked with several IEE and Horizon 2020 research programmes
He has studied languages and social sciences and has worked as a journalist but found it was more fun to work with hands-on efficiency than just reporting on it. However, he applies the joy of writing on the area of energy efficiency as well.