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Jeremy Epstein

Senior Associate

Harcourt Brown & Carey

Jeremy Epstein holds a Master’s degree from Evergreen State College focusing on carbon policy, including cap and trade, international carbon markets, carbon accounting and environmental policy.

Upon graduating in 2009, Mr. Epstein worked for the progressive Boulder County, Colorado, designing clean energy programs focused on providing financing to homeowners and businesses to support energy efficiency upgrades.

In 2013, Mr. Epstein came to be employed by HB&C, where he has focused on clean energy finance program design for utility sector, financial sector and public sector clients. His undertakings include development of commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy programs, on bill finance, and development of consumer finance instruments to serve clean energy markets. In addition, Mr. Epstein has helped build a clean energy finance brokerage service to connect capital sources to specific clean energy projects.

Mr. Epstein’s first engagement with the Clean Energy Solutions Center involves working with the HB&C team to assist the Caribbean nation of Grenada in developing financing options for a landfill waste to energy project. He is a graduate of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Energy Executives academy.