RGEI Webinar #41: Setting up a Euro-Mediterranean electricity market – The role of Med-TSO in building a bridge between the shores of the Mediterranean Sea
27 June 2024
External event, Webinar
Date: 27 June 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 CEST / 19:00 – 20:00 Beijing time
Presenter: Mr Angelo Ferrante
About the presenter:
Angelo Ferrante is Secretary General of Med-TSO, since 2015. Med-TSO is the Association of the Mediterranean TSOs for electricity, constituted by the companies managing the High Voltage electricity grid of 20 Mediterranean Countries. The companies represented in Med-TSO operate more than 400.000 km HV transmission lines, serving more than 500 million people. Mr. Ferrante is an electrical engineer with huge professional experience in all the areas of the power sector, with special focus on international co-operation, project financing, regulation and relations with international organizations. In his carreer, Mr. Ferrante has been also deeply involved in R&D and technical assistance projects in many parts of the world.
About the Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI) Initiative
The RGEI Initiative was established at the 9th Clean Energy Ministerial meeting in Copenhagen/Malmö in May 2018. RGEI’s objectives are to:
- Discuss conducive policy and regulatory framework regarding regional and global power system integration
- Build consensus on facilitating energy transition via increased proportion of renewable energy in energy consumption and enhanced grid interconnection
- Encourage CEM member countries to engage in the process of RGEI and seize collaborative opportunities
CEM Members: China, Chile, Finland, Korea, South Africa, United Arab Emirates.
Operating Agent: Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)
Contact: Zheng Zhu, zheng-zhu@geidco.org and Yanqiu Bi, yanqiu-bi@geidco.org