Power Sector Decarbonization Action Plan Series: European Union
30 November 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023
6:00 a.m. UTC -7 (MST) | 2:00 p.m. UTC +1 (CET)
Over the past year, Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) workstreams provided support to countries around the world for the development of power sector decarbonization action plans. At CEM14 in Goa, India, the first cohort of countries – Australia, Chile, the European Commission, India, and the United Kingdom – released their action plans to accelerate power sector decarbonization and transformation in their countries.
Brought to you by the CEM’s Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC) and 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), the Power Sector Decarbonization Action Plan Series highlights these power sector decarbonization action plans and prospects for implementation. Over six sessions, each country will present on their specific action plan and discuss how it contributes to achieving their climate goals, reducing emissions, and transforming their power sector.
In the last few years, the European Union has adopted major policies, which are accelerating the transformation and decarbonisation of the block’s power sector. This webinar will showcase some the key EU measures, such as the REPowerEU Plan, the revised Renewable Energy Directive, the new guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure, as well as the Commission’s proposals for the reform of the EU electricity market design and for citizens’ engagement.
The session will end with a Q&A with the audience.
Speakers include:
- Paula Pinho, DG Energy, European Commission
- Matthieu Ballu, DG Energy, European Commission
- Michela Marasco, DG Energy, European Commission
- Antonio De Paola, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
- Isabel Gonzalez Cuenca, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
The webinar will be moderated by: Dr. Doug Arent – National Renewable Energy Laboratory.