


CEM at MENA Climate Week

From 8 October to 12 October 2023

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Congratulations to the UNFCCC and the hosts KSA Ministry of Energy for delivering such an impressive and impactful MENA Climate Week – a key milestone in the lead up to COP28. This has been an excellent opportunity to:

  • Discuss how the work of the CEM community can contribute to the COP28 Action Agenda – grateful to the COP28 Presidency and the UNFCCC Mitigation Work Programme team for their recognition of the value of the CEM
  • Showcase how CEM workstreams can bring together the right stakeholders to develop clean energy solutions and deliver concrete change, as demonstrated by the CCUS Initiative, Hydrogen Initiative, IDDI and the GPP campaign during events organised across the programme.
  • Support action at the regional level, learn about solutions that are being developed and implemented in the MENA region and engage in positive dialogue with the many organisations and experts present on how to strengthen international collaboration: and
  • Strengthen and expand regional partnerships, notably signing an MoU with KAPSARC to elevate sustainable energy development, focusing on CCUS, Industrial decarbonisation, energy efficiency and log-term energy scenarios.

This builds on the success achieved at CEM14 in Goa on linking the action focused work of the CEM to political ambition setting fora such as the G20 and now moving towards to COP28. Looking forward to even demonstrations of the CEM Impact in Dubai!

CEM Events: