Entries Now Open for ISGAN’s 2021 Award of Excellence
Nominations are now open for the Seventh ISGAN Award of Excellence competition, sponsored by the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), in partnership with the Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF). The award will recognize excellence in innovation, integration, and transformation of smart grid systems.
2021 Award Theme: Future-Proofing the Grid Operation via Advanced Digitalisation & IoT
Emerging technologies have the ability to empower smart grid applications and solutions to analyse large data sets, identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make precise predictions based on its learning experience.
The importance of digital is also growing as global energy demand is being reshaped, mainly on renewable energy – such as solar, wind and hydro – and in accordance with the energy conversion policy. Digitalisation is becoming an essential element to stably manage energy demand with an ever more complex energy mix. The recent pandemic situation worldwide has further heightened the importance of digitalisation and the adoption of IoT in grid operation to ensure its uninterrupted operation even under a lockdown environment.
It follows that a rapid response by innovation-based digitalisation will serve as an important variable for companies to gain a competitive advantage. Energy companies should seek to improve efficiency and reduce costs through digitalisation and IoT technologies. More importantly, digitalisation and IoT technologies will better prepare them to face future pandemic based on their recent experiences. Risk responses such as cybersecurity, information, Data ownership problems, and changes in the working environment are related issues that need to be addressed.
Recognizing the critical importance and the role of smart grids through digitized technologies, we would like to highlight exemplary smart grid projects that enhance the grid stability, balance supply & demand, ensure continuous and reliability of power supply, and enable greater integration of diverse generators. Thus, ISGAN has chosen “Excellence in Smart Grids for Future-Proofing the Grid Operation via Advanced Digitalisation & IoT” as the theme of the 2021 Award of Excellence.
Eligible Projects
- Eligible projects include pilot, demonstration, and deployment projects as well as established programs that that “Future Proofing” the grid operation via advanced digitalisation, interconnected grid, data analytics, training programs, grid management systems, and enterprise architecture applied to electric grid operations technology
- Eligible projects may have any kind of digitized technologies or smart devices developed to help the grid operators to “Future Proofing” its operation including but not limited to understanding and anticipating customer behavior by offering a simple and secure way even under a constrained environment
- The international jury panel will select winning projects based on five key criteria:
- Potential impact (25pt)
- Economic rationale (25pt)
- Potential for replication or adaptation (25pt)
- Innovation (15pt)
- Other benefits (10pt)
Timeline of Awards Competition

Submission Deadline: 20 November 2020
Interested parties are encouraged to visit the ISGAN Awards website to learn more about the award rules, entry format, etc.
The winning projects will be recognized next year during the Twelfth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM12) meeting, which will be attended by the energy ministers and corporate leaders from around the globe.
In addition, the winning projects will be further recognized in ISGAN and GSEF products, proceedings, and events over the ensuing months and promoted to ISGAN and GSGF’s global audience. Moreover, the winners will be offered an opportunity for interviews and exposure via a promotional video which will be publicly distributed via a variety of networks, including ISGAN’s official YouTube channel and ISGAN website.
For any further questions, please contact at award@smartgrid.or.kr