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Who we are
Our solutions
Clean Power
21st Century Power Partnership
Accelerate the global shift to clean power systems
Regional and Global Energy Interconnection (RGEI)
Integrate power systems across national boundaries to support clean power use
Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future
Address nuclear’s role in cross-sectoral decarbonisation
ISGAN – International Smart Grid Action Network
Accelerate the global deployment of smart grids
Transforming Solar Supply Chains
Ensure resilient and sustainable solar industry supply chains
Supercharging Battery Storage
Supercharging Battery Storage Deployment
Carbon Free Energy
Accelerate decarbonisation of energy and industry
Empowering Regulators for Accelerated Decarbonisation
Strengthening the interface between policymakers and energy regulators
Clean Transport
Electric Vehicles Initiative
Accelerate the use of electric vehicles worldwide
Advance the deployment of clean hydrogen across the economy
Biofuture Platform
Kick-start a sustainable global bioeconomy
Clean Energy Marine Hubs
Facilitate clean energy transformation through Maritime
Carbon Free Energy
Accelerate decarbonisation of energy and industry
Clean Industry
Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative
Stimulate global demand for low carbon industrial materials
Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Accelerate CCUS as a valuable emissions mitigation solution
Advance the deployment of clean hydrogen across the economy
Biofuture Platform
Kick-start a sustainable global bioeconomy
Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD)
Push the use of energy efficient equipment everywhere
Energy Management Leadership Awards
Showcase leading organisations ISO 50001 energy management successes
Carbon Free Energy
Accelerate decarbonisation of energy and industry
Clean Buildings
Super-Efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD)
Push the use of energy efficient equipment everywhere
Advance the deployment of clean hydrogen across the economy
ISGAN – International Smart Grid Action Network
Accelerate the global deployment of smart grids
Clean Solutions
Clean Energy Solutions Center (CESC)
Clean energy knowledge and advice for all
Investment And Finance Initiative
Actions to accelerate clean energy investments globally
Long-Term Scenarios for the Energy Transition (LTES)
Boost the use of clean energy scenarios for decision making
Empowering Regulators for Accelerated Decarbonisation
Strengthening the interface between policymakers and energy regulators
Empowering Society
Empowering People
Increasing skills and inclusivity in the clean energy transition
Equality in Energy Transitions (formerly C3E)
Actions to increase gender diversity in clean energy
Equal by 30 Campaign
Campaign to boost gender diversity commitments in the energy sector
Sustainable Lifestyles, Fairness and Access to Clean Energy Technologies
Putting fairness and social justice at the heart of the clean energy transition
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