


Applications Now Open for CEM13/MI7 Clean Energy Technology Showcase

We look forward to welcoming you to the Global Clean Energy Action Forum (GCEAF) – a joint convening of the 13th Clean Energy Ministerial and 7th Mission Innovation ministerial meetings on 21-23 September 2022. These will be in-person events hosted by the United States Department of Energy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

As part of the planning process, we are pleased to invite you to apply to participate in the Clean Energy Technology Showcase. The showcase will bring the latest technology solutions and novel innovations to the world stage, and help attendees increase their awareness of technology solutions that can help them meet their clean energy goals. This will not be a traditional table and poster showcase. Applications will be reviewed based on the criteria provided in the Showcase Prospectus, attached.

Please apply no later than 30 June 2022 for your application to be considered using this application link.