


Power System Flexibility Campaign

Power System Flexibility campaign

This campaign graduated at GCEAF (CEM13/MI7) in 2022 after four successful years. A special thanks to China, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden for leading this work and assisting governments and industries to accelerate system transformation by increasing flexibility across all elements of the power system, helping to cut costs and boost reliability. This work will carry on in the CEM’s International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), a joint CEM initiative and IEA Technology Collaboration Project.


The Power System Flexibility Campaign seeks to help governments and industries accelerate system transformation by increasing flexibility across all elements of the power system, while contributing to cost-efficient and reliable electricity supply. 


Power System Flexibility campaign

The PSF, launched in 2018 at CEM9, is the continuation of the Advanced Power Plant Flexibility Campaign, and builds on its strong foundation of government and industry commitments by widening the scope to include smart electricity grids, storage, and demand side management. A continuation of PSF Campaign will be expected between CEM10 and CEM11.